New to TR. I have been using Zwift and sending workouts to Strava. Just signed up with TR and want to send workout results to TR. I have enabled TR partner integration on Strava and TR but workout results aren’t showing up on Strava. Help a clueless newbie out!
February 25, 2019, 12:46pm
On the TR webapp, when you go to Account → Profile → Ride Sync, what do you see for Strava?
Mine looks like this:
I see the same thing. I even disconnected and connected again to be sure. Also made sure my data is available to the public
Have you done a new workout since setting up the account?. Or have you resent the TR workout.
February 25, 2019, 12:58pm
OK, if you go into the ride itself (from your ride history, for example) and scroll to the bottom, this is what I see for Ride Sync:
(This was a ride I did this morning so I know it is working currently.)
If you don’t have the green dot on the Strava icon, what happens if you click it?
Can’t see ride history (assuming you mean on TR). I only see my two rides in my “calendar” on the days i did them.
February 25, 2019, 1:13pm
When you click on the ride in the calendar it pops up a sheet with the ride on the left and more information on the right:
If you click the right-hand image of the ride, it will take you to the ride details itself, then you can scroll down to the bottom of that page, to see the ride sync details.
Progress - I was able to sync both rides manually but is there a way to send them to Strava automatically? Thanks for the great help so far!!
February 25, 2019, 1:54pm
Mine go automatically. I don’t think I did anything special to enable it.
I’d see what happens on your next ride, now you know they can sync manually.
Ok…that and restart all of my devices Thanks for the continued suggestions. Best, Daniel