Tried to clean up some storage on my phone and noticed TR was a whooping 800MB, of which 600+ was user data? Can user data be purged?
Tried to clean up some storage on my phone and noticed TR was a whooping 800MB, of which 600+ was user data? Can user data be purged?
Good point, lowering megabytes would ensure you have a really high watts/mb
It takes a long time to sync all the workouts, id expect thats a lot of the data. It does also appear to keep your calendar data locally. Would all be to improve user experience, much quicker than pulling it off the web every time you open or scroll something
Well, perhaps… Not sure I need years of data cached on the device. Zwift is like 40MB all in.
I’ll agree. TR app is the #1 space hog on my iOS by a lot. Solutions?
You’ve built up that base [of data] and you want to trash it?
Kidding of course.
Think of all of the savings in weight by deleting that heavy data - minimal gains
Got it reinstalled, but the app was unusable for 40 minutes pulling all the data. It is back from under 200MB to 800MB again. This could, perhaps, be looked at by TR guys, not sure it is optimal
Hey @nordic,
The best way to purge additional data is to delete and reinstall the application.
You want to make sure that all of your workouts in the app have properly synced to the web, so check in your browser that everything is up to date with the application before deleting.
I tested this on my app and went from 900mb to 350mb, so there are certainly some storage savings to be had .
41GB of 256GB used on my phone (all apps + all data).
Yea, kinda sucks to pay Apple $150 to get $30 worth of memory, but it is what it is.
Markup’s still higher in the bike industry.
It actually did, thank you. I was expecting it to go back to full again as it was pulling data for over 40 minutes before the app could be used, it stopped at around 350MB mark. In the end, all workouts were synced. Perhaps if there was an option to not to pull further than N months, it would speed up things. All data is on the website anyway, Strava, etc.
It is an old device that is still perfectly capable running such apps, but storage is limited unfortunately.
Zwift is 1.66GB on my iphone, The Zwift Companion is 48MB. Not exactly apples to apples there.
I’m not using Zwift so time to delete it. TrainerRoad app is #9 on the list at 531MB. If I really needed more space I’d stop auto downloading so many podcasts on Overcast and set to streaming.
On my pixel 3 android phone Zwift is 2.26gb and trainerroad only 385mb…
Mobile app could definitely use some optimization wrt the calendar page. On the android tablet I use exclusively for TR it usually takes 10-20ish seconds to show/scroll-to today’s workout. Sometimes it just plunks me back in time at my first week of workouts in like 2018, and I have to hit “Today” and wait some more. And I don’t even bother running the app on my phone anymore, the website is substantially more responsive.
Certainly the workout templates take up some space. If you’ve ever used the workout creator, you know it takes a little while to download the library. I kind of suspect the app similarly downloads ALL the workouts, whether you’ve ridden them or not, and so as the library grows, so does the space required. Space could certainly be saved if they were loaded more on-demand, and only pre-cache workouts explicitly in a training plan (who needs Disaster pre-cached, amirite?).
Potentially more open-ended are the completed workout profile pictures. The website renders them as SVG, which get compressed very well in transmission. If you instead turn it into a PNG, I’m seeing a modest ~11k, so even with hundreds of completed workout images cached, it shouldn’t take up more than several MB of space. Maybe there’s some retention of raw data from workouts that isn’t getting purged regularly? If/when TR crashes mid-workout, you’ll be glad it’s being stored locally, but 1 month later you wouldn’t think it should still be there.
MLC flash sells approx $4.20 for 64Gb, so times 8 (bits to bytes) times 2 (for 128GB) is 67 USD. That’s chips only, add in PCB and a few parts plus assembly, you’re over 80 USD cost.