TR Running thread 2022

Dry sand, I’d run barefoot, pace yourself, look out for broken glass etc. take something to get the sand out of your toes when you’re done.

Wet sand, trail shoes.

I’d build it up slowly- uneven surfaces can put a lot of stress on the smaller tendons of your feet, so you probably don’t want to go from running on mostly stable footing to 100% sand. Can be a concern if you have a history of Achilles issues too.
Form-wise I’ve found that paying attention to my upper body and posture really helps, as well as engaging your core and using your arms a bit more than usual. I’m also not sure if it’s just me being a natural forefoot striker, but IME a quick turnover and running up on your toes seems to make things a bit easier.
Also good socks make a world of difference.

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Wow, because it feels like I’m already running so slow :laughing:

I appreciate your advice and I will look at modifying my running weeks with much shorter runs. I’m coming to terms that this is going to be a very long term goal of mine to become a stronger runner and not something I’m going to tick off in a few months.

So after my last run I ignored a level a pain that I will be much more in tune with next time, I ran too far, and likely too fast. The problem I’m having now is that after a couple of months of less cardio than I’m accustomed to, I’m having mental health problems that I need to nip in the bud. Since a smart running progression won’t give me the cardio I’ve convinced myself that I need, I’m back on the bike again as of today. Pedaling seems to be OK and I’m actually looking forward to my ride this afternoon.

Work has chilled out enough to where I can knock out lunch rides again and once my heel/ankle feels up to it I’ll restart my running program with short and slow runs and tick it up accordingly. Looking forward to managing both runs and riding in my TR calendar too… holds breath

#1 mistake of new runners is trying to run too fast, too far, too soon.

I wouldn’t add hills or intensity for at least the first 6 weeks. Increase distance (or duration) by no more than 10%/week, as @JoeX indicated, and keep it slow. Boringly slow. Short strides, slow. Monitor your HR at that slow pace towards the end of your runs, and when it starts to visibly go down, you can increase the pace a little. Not a lot - a little.


Good thread from Steve Magness on endurance development:

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Well, after 11 days off from running, my ankle/foot is still bothering me pretty badly. I’m considering going to the Urgent Care tomorrow as there’s really not been any improvement after a bit of rest, ice, stretching. Seems like I’ve had one injury after the next this year, and I’m pretty tired of this foot pain.

I’ll get back after it and use running as a supplement to riding moving forward, and be more conservative on progression next time. Phew, I’m bummed.

Aw that’s bad news. Sorry to hear that. But the damage is done, you can only affect recovery now so do the right thing :+1:

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Thanks Joe. I’m being prudent and now waiting on an XRay at the local Urgent Care…

Update: no fractures found on the X-Ray, and it’s likely a case of moderate tendonitis. Resting an ankle is hard, but I’m feeling more positive about the whole thing and have a plan on resting and focusing on strength training that won’t aggravate my foot.

I’ll come back to running once riding is cleared and make a more conservative plan on building some running feet. :slight_smile:


Fighting a similar issue…started a mild running plan over the last couple of weeks while I was still recovering from my perineal mass removal and sitting on a saddle was not advisable.

During a run last week, my ankle felt like it needed to crack or pop while I was running. It enver did and the discomfort grew to pain and I walked back to my car. Ankle has been swollen and sore ever since. Pain starts just below the ankle bone and wraps down around the front of the foot. tried taping, etc and nothing seems to have helped.

Off to go see an ortho in about 15 min…the good news is that I am back on the bike and it doesn’t seem to be bothered by riding at an endurance pace.


You’ll probably be cleared for riding before running I’d imagine. Much less work / stress for the calf riding vs running. The former is mostly isometric (depending a bit pedaling style) whereas the latter is concentric & eccentric.

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Same for me. Pedaling actually feels pretty good but I suspect it’s not helping me heal any faster really. I’ll balance my mental health needs with getting the damn ankle sorted out. Good luck on your recovery and hoping its as mild or less than my deal.

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Sometimes KNOWING whats going on make us feel better and suddenly the pain is gone in a matter of days… is like magic… at least that has been my expirience.

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Thanks Joel! Yeah just knowing that it’s nothing too major turned my perspective around. I’m still stoked on building some running fitness and I’m also feeling the fire to ride again. All great things!

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So the good news is no fracture…which I didn’t think had happened.

Ortho just thinks it is some ligament / tendon strain due to my (ridiculously) flat feet, and the bokes coming together in the joint. Problem is they can’t put me on normal anti-inflamatories (NSAIDs) since I am already on blood thinners. So they put me on Prednisone and a topical anti-inflammatory.

Also put me in a lace-up brace instead of a walking boot due to previous DVT in that calf (see blood thinners above).

He OK’d the bike, as long as I keep it easy…so of course I did a Zwift group ride this AM. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


So he OK racing on Z?

Oh, heck no…that was just me being your typical Type “A” athlete and pushing the limits. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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In those conditions I just ask if I can ride a bike. I make no mention of how hard or long I may be riding said bike or whether I have been doing it for the past couple weeks. Running I do take a bit more seriously though.

Sure, absolutely…but the ortho brought up the subject of intensity, not me. I know myself well enough on the bike and know what hurts. I knew from previous rides that Z2 was fine, but that if I stood and exerted any pressure, there was pain. Soooo…don’t do that. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ankle felt better this AM, and it was only a C group ride, so figured it would be OK to test it a bit. Largely felt fine during the ride, but a little sore after. So likely just pushing the edge of what I should / could be doing. Extended Z2 TR ride tomorrow, so everything will be kept in check.

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Did i see one of your posts say you are in the dc area?

Used to be…grew up in McLean, managed Spokes, Etc for awhile in the early 90’s, but left shortly after that. Still have lots of friends / family there.