TR Running thread 2022

Wow… cool man… I used to live in Dunn-Loring area (across the street from the metro) and then Ashburn.


Ok, was going to recommend someone. She helped me to train through and recover from achilles tendinitis and other various soft tissue damage in that area. ART doesn’t sound very common, but is really good at keeping you moving.

My add to this topic is that whenever i have identified and treated the sources of my pains, ive always been able to train through the issue and have generally been back to normal in about a month. After covid hit I lost a lot of motivation and stopped doing my preventative care and quickly developed plantar fasciitis. Since then its been a tightrope of nursing myself back to health, but only when i was consistent with my foam folling and foot wheel. It’s wild how a trigger point in one location can cause pain in another, but it isn’t always intuitive to figure out the source of the pain, but one treatment begins so can training.

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I moved out to far nw loudoun from merrifield. I used to live off of gatehouse rd, by the rt 50 intersection.

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Just some advice sought, I have an mini ultra in July, some 50km in the mountains, 3100m+. (1km/50m) Just wanting to complete it ‘comfortably’, no other targets. I’m doing the baby event compared to other two (100km/165km). Learning to crawl before walking!

Took up running again last September, mentioned previously my journey in the 2021 thread and I built up to 50km a week by December, trail runs averaging about 1km/25m. Took a bit of rest of the Christmas period, reducing due to bad weather, food! and to let the body recover and now I’m slowly ramping back up doing 30km/week in the Vibram Five Fingers again. Looking to get that back to 50km/week (5-6hours) over the next couple of months.

Note I still do around 3 TR workouts a week (3hrs), to maintain my base fitness, mix it up and have kept the FTP around 300w-305W. (Have got that up to 343w in past with my 93kg frame so not over doing that.)

I’ve no mental worry when it comes to completing the 50km at my snail pace, (did a 407km ride (21+hours) the other year on the back of the Trainer road plans and having never done more than a 100km ride) the only concern is the body totally breaking down a I won;t be able to freewheel! Maximum distance I’ve done so far in one run was 44km (5hrs) on the flat, with no breaks. Achilles were starting to hurt so I called it a day, running in the VFF probably didn’t help there. Have some Ultra Olympus 4’s for the event, so I might try the flat run again sometime soon to compare. I can happily go out and run 2-3 hours (20km+) without planning, in fact did that only the other week and might go and run for a couple of hours tomorrow to clear the head from the working week.

Some other maybe relevant info, have a mountain festival in a few months, half marathon in mountains and before then the odd day trail running in mountains. So I should have kit/feeding dialled in.

So after all that, just the two questions:

-What base mileage km/m+ a week would you be considering getting up to for that event and how would you ramp up to that?

-Would/should you cease the indoor cycling to focus on just the runs and when would/should you do that?


Aw, thanks…appreciate it.

Unfortunately, I’ve been through just about every lower leg injury you can think of…Achilles, stress Fx, ITB, Morton’s Neuroma, etc. You name it, I’ve had it. The only good thing from all that is that I kinda have the PT / rehab thing down. I really just needed the ortho to rule out any Fx and get me a Rx for anti-inflammatories. ART has definitely been part of my rehab routine in the past…can be painful, but very effective!!

Since I am primarily back to a being a cyclist and not a triathlete, I don’t really need to worry about running right now…was just doing it for a way to exercise while my perineal surgery healed.


Q: I have a half marathon coming up on the 20th and am currently on low volume plan. So far I’ve been running my running and cycling training in parallel, but essentially separately. How should I taper my cycling before the race? I was thinking skip the last two TR workouts and the one after.


What kid of workouts?
Usually when doing a marathon taper you keep intensity and lower volume. If the workout is an easy shirt one i would keep or i would replace with an easy run with a few strides at the end…

Depending on your goal and preparation, you might need to skip more than 1 workout after…

Last marathon I did (virtual Boston in Sept of 2020), it took my very unprepared legs about a week to recover

Yesterday, after 200 days, my challenge to run at least 5km everyday came to an end.

Started: 27th August

Ended: 14th Match

Okay, I could still go out tonight and continue the streak, but I have started my taper for the Manchester Marathon.

I have also been ill with a mouth infection, for the last 10 days, and for the last four I have not been able to open my mouth enough to get a fork or spoon in, so all food has been mashed or liquid, so dull. The pain in my jaw and mouth is unbelievably bad, only getting 3½ to 4 hours sleep some nights.

Thankfully, I managed to complete all the productive fitness building training blocks (although there wasn’t that much quality in the last 7 days.) I am now on a 18 day taper, rest and recovery is the main focus, with a few sessions of intensity and reduced volume.

So with a nice round number of 200 days, illness, and the need to taper for Manchester, it is a sensible time to stop (actual 60 or 100 days might have been more sensible.)

The 200 included

  • 3x 20 miles

  • 2x 18 miles

  • 2x 17 miles

  • 14x Half Marathons (first one ever in November)

  • Totaled 1194 miles

Feels a bit weird not going out, I learnt a lot about myself, and strangely the runs I remember with the most clarity and fondness are the ones that were grim, I struggled to get done, I was ill or tired, or the weather was seriously bad, the ones I nearly didn’t do.

Anyway, maybe try a mini version sometime, or a 365 day version, you might find it an interesting experiment, I did but I am weird. AHH, that is better, after typing that, goodbye my old R.E.D. friend. Time to let go.


Well done and good luck for Manchester :+1:

Made it in my target range of 3h34m to 3h36m


Nice one, great effort there!

And i’m back again…i think.
Doing the “barryP” approach and it’s been 4 weeks (i’m on week 5)

Long story short it’s all slow running and my weekly total mileage gets increased by 10% weekly
(week 1 was 20km, week 2 was 22km, week 3 was 25km, week 4 27.5km, etc)


Body is holding up pretty well to be honest, i’m getting to 60km weekly mileage in June and then i’ll add threshold efforts while reducing the “mid” mileage.
Currently my only source of intensity is on the bike and i’ll be adding in the swim this week as well. Just trying to get the miles in at slow z2 pace.

I’m foam rolling, i’ve gotten a massage gun (gosh does it ever feel good on the foot), and i do epsom salt baths weekly. I feel like i need more mobility in there in order not to fall apart.


I have to cut back my running from 6 days to 3, but I got in a race a few weeks back. First running race in a very long time, cross country, nice weather, 5 miles/8.1km.


I’m a two weeks out from Boston… Training has been good in that I’m feeling strong with minimal aches/pains and not feeling overly tired. At least until the final three week build.

Monday - Threshold Run
Tuesday - Easy Run & SS Bike
Wednesday - Treadmill Hill Repeats into 4 miles at 6% (3k ft in gain)
Thursday - Easy Run & Crit Race
Friday - 21 Mile Long Run with 3x4mi at MP efforts

My long run is normally on Saturday but my schedule was free Friday morning and the kiddos have soccer games so it made sense to move around.

The following week (last week) I would have had a similar schedule but I felt exhausted and quite sore. I opted for easy shorter runs and told myself I’d be good the following day. It wasn’t until Friday that I felt I was ready for any sort of effort.

The weeks prior have been very similar in terms of workouts, volume and intensity so I’m having a hard time trying to figure out if it due cramming things so closely, accumulated fatigue, the added elevation gain and Crit race?

Still, despite the off week, I’m feeling good. Looking forward to Boston.


Taking this year off of tri so I’ve got more time with the toddler. So just running since I can fit I’ll my workouts in while the family is still asleep

I’ve been doing the “BarryP” plan and strictly sticking to zone 2 running and just increasing mileage by 5-10% a week. I’m up to 50 miles a week. For my birthday I did a 10k on the track with the goal of finishing under my age (made it). Felt good despite not doing any speed work or fast runs since who knows when.

No set plan race wise. There is a 5 miler in a couple weeks and was thinking of pushing to toddler in and seeing how fast I can go with the stroller (just one decent sized hill that could be a killer). And if I can stay injury free maybe a marathon late spring or early summer.


Do you have a running stroller?
If not it will be a huge pain in the ass… doable but hard…

I do! For a while I had a hand me down BOB which was fine. But last spring I splurged and bought a Thule Glide 2 which I more running specific (fixed front wheel, larger wheels, lighter frame, etc) so I could take her on runs once in while. Found the key to getting her to like it was to always stop by a park for a play break. Thankfully the finish line is right next to a big park!

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Recent podcast talks about introducing running into TR calender. Any idea if this will include power such as STRYD pod data? Would seem logical for such a power based bike system

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forgot this thread existed. Reporting in!

I’ve been progressing shockingly well. Long runs are feeling easy. Just popped a 14miler at 7:00 pace
interval progressions are going well too. Started at the 6:20 range and progressed interval time to 10min ea with a 6:50 pace recovery, now in the 5:50 range.


I’m glad the barryP stuff is working for you, i was skeptical but im starting to see some progress after only a month. Taking a break this week (reducing volume a lot) to let my leg rest a bit but seeing other people progress like that gives me hope that if i keep it going with just z2 i can get SOME benefits