I am currently on the mid volume plan, and it is going well, but I would like to open up my weekends to spend time riding with my local group on Saturdays and my wife on Sundays. Last weekend, I did the prescribed workouts early in the morning and then rode outside with my wife a couple hours later. Saturday was tough, after the over/under workout, and Sunday wasn’t too bad after the tempo workout, but I don’t want to end up overdoing it. If I switch to the low volume plan, with scheduled workouts on M, W & F, and just do extra, mostly Z2 endurance rides on either Tues or Thurs, with my group rides (usually easy paced 2-3 hrs apiece) on the weekends, will that be beneficial? Should I use the default low volume plan that TR generates, or will I be missing out by not having the longer over/under and tempo workouts that I’m currently doing on the weekends?
Here is a screenshot of what I have coming up this week on my current mid volume plan.
The best plan is the one that you can successfully knock out of the park week after week. A plan where you can fit all the group riding, family time, and life responsibilities all into one neat package.
For many of our athletes, we recommend starting on the Low Volume plan and adding work on top of the plan since it allows more flexibility. This flexibuility makes it easier to stay consistent, and consistency is the key to getting faster. Additionally, as you start to experience fatigue, you can back down your “extra-curricular” riding to keep yourself in a productive level of training stress.
If you look at the difference between the LV and MV plans, it comes down to the mid-week Zone 2 workout and the Saturday 1.5 hour workout. I made the decision to go LV, add a zone 2 workout mid-week and do my Saturday outside ride. It effectively becomes similar to the MV plan in terms of TSS.