TR users: where are you located?

  • US
  • Other North America
  • South America
  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Australia
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The midwest/great plains. Kansas.

Interesting that this landed on far more Europeans than US. Wonder if that’s just who voted(sample size is very small), or if TR is truly that deeply embedded in Europe.


As a Brit I’m actually surprised there is as many USA users as there are given how much more popular cycling is in Europe than the USA.

Population of Europe is also around twice that of the USA…


It will be interesting to see how the survey evolves as the week goes on. My guess is that, since Europe is 5-10 hours ahead of US time zones, that more forum users have checked / replied while we slept. Just a hypothesis, though.

Virginia, US (filled out the survey)


Cycling is hugely popular in the US.

Professional cycling is not.


Nice try fbi


I see no reason why the location of TrainerRoad users would differ significantly from Zwift and in 2022 Eric Min said that 25% of Zwift’s customers come from the US, and Europe represents about 50% of their customer base.

Which considering the population size difference means that Zwift is roughly as popular in the USA as it is in Europe - probabaly similar with TR?


What would actually be interesting is to know % breakdown of total training time among those users being indoors versus outdoors. So more Europeans have subscriptions to TR/Zwift/etc, but are those Europeans using indoor training 20% of the time as compared to US users who use it 90% of the time (%s are only examples).

As an American in the EST, my perception based on nothing but my own perception is that US users appear to be on Zwift as a larger % than European nations when I’m riding and my assumption was that it’s due to US roads being less friendly for cyclists every day as compared to my annual vacation to somewhere in Europe where there are regularly cyclists out every day.

When I’m riding its all Europeans :slight_smile: - unless I do a late night ride and catch the early morning USA lot.


I mostly see Europeans on Zwift and oddly enough Australians/New Zealanders. It’s probably because of the time of day. I often zwift in the morning when you guys are all still sleeping and the antipodes are ready to go to bed


I think it’s because the US population is 330 million versus Europe’s population of 740 million.

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I don’t have actual data, but if you count mtb in the US, there are a heck of a lot of cyclists. Over the past 10 years, my big LBS with multiple stores went from 80% road bikes to 80% mtb (excluding hybrids). Many of my neighbors mtb but few road ride. That said, I think a much lower percentage of mtbers are likely to use training apps and train indoors.

I wonder if @Nate_Pearson would be willing to give us the percentages? I’d definitely have my eyes opened to find out there are more European TR users than US.


This must be highly dependent on time of day as others have noted. I just checked the 3 auto-screenshots from my last ride (TdZ Big Ring), and there were 0 US flags - it was mostly European flags + 2 Japanese and 1 Sri Lankan flag.

Concur. I’m usually on the bike before 5am EST, so it’s quite rare for me to see another US flag until after 6am. Mostly I see Europe and Japan.

London UK :+1:t4: