Maybe a stupid question but to test the workout to Strava I stopped the workout after 5mins and saved it expecting it to go to Strava. You don’t have to finish the workout entirely for it to send to Strava do you?
You don’t have to complete the workout but you do need to save it not discard it. Not sure if there is also a time threshold that needs to be met before the ride syncs?
Yes thanks Kevstraining all settings are fine in Strava, Data Permissions and Partner Integrations. I can only think there must be some minimum duration of workout before TR will see it as a “real” workout.
FYI Trainer Roads have come back and said the minimum duration on a workout is 15mins in order to output with Ridesync. Needs that duration to ensure the API between the two apps happens.
Hmm, that appears to be a TrainerRoad limitation. My Garmin syncs short 5-6 minute rides to Strava, for example when I come home after the monthly group post-ride get together.
Thought I’ve seen short Zwift rides but a quick scan of today’s Strava feed I only saw one indoor ride under 2 minutes (Strava / Apple Watch) and 55 sec “ride” recorded on Garmin 810.
I see enough short workouts / rides in my feed you would think all platforms sync all activities