TR workouts - Different distances logged on different platforms

I have noticed that when completing a workout using TR, when they are uploaded to Strava and Garmin - each of the platforms are showing a different distance and average speed. It isn’t a big deal. I’m assuming this is something that isn’t related to TR and that both the platforms estimate a distance covered during the workout based on the power output? Just wondering if anyone else has noticed something like this and if they have managed to do anything to get them automatically assigned as the same, or done something to bring them closer together?

If you use the Virtual Speed / Distance option for TR to Strava, the Garmin will always differ.

The only way for them to match is to turn off VS/D, but that introduces the known issues where the values can vary widely from your gesring choice.

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@mcneese.chad is spot on here.

Virtual Speed & Distance is the way to go in our opinion as it generates the most realistic figures, but that does mean that the data will differ from what you see in GC.

@Back2Basics You just need to decide if you want the most realistic data, or data that aligns more closely between programs… :man_shrugging:

I use Virtual Speed & Distance and reference TR/Strava for estimates on weekly mileage.

Does this mean the distance I see in Strava is more realistic compared to what GC provides?
It really doesn’t matter, it’s all non-miles anyway, just wondering. I’m new to TR and trying to figure a few things out as I go.

Yes, most likely. Per the second link, you can see very high or low values in various gearing on the bike without TR’s Virtual S/D.

The VS/D does a basic calculation based upon your mass and power, to estimate S/D similar to what Zwift and other apps do. So it is likely a more realistic value with that in mind vs the old, non-virtual options.