Tracking weight traning?

In the most recent podcast, Johnathan and Nathan mentioned that TR tracks your weight training and takes it into account and adjusts workouts accordingly. Anyone how how to make that happen? I’m finding it problematic to complete 3 weight workouts a week and the load that TR asks of me even on a “low” plan. 7 days a week is too much for my master’s body.

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Find a way to do at least one of your lifting days on the same day as one of your rides.

If possible you want to try to make your week go something like Off - Hard - Medium - Off/Recovery - Hard - Medium - Easy in terms of overall daily load.

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I have the early access (beta) calendar turned on in my account. On the web based calendar on my desktop I click on a day and a panel slides out from the right.

If I click to add a strength training session it prompts me to tell it how many working sets I am doing - upper body, lower body, full body, core. If I enter these and add the resultant session to the calendar my understanding is that I am ‘telling’ TrainerRoad what I am doing with my strength training and it adjusts my red light/green light accordingly.

I don’t follow a TR plan for cycling but it might adjust one of those too if the strength training contributed sufficient fatigue, I’m not sure.

The strength sessions can be copy/pasted to future or past dates to fill in the calendar and I assume it’s important to click the button on the desktop or phone app calendar that you have completed the sesssion.

My weight lifting sessions have begun populating in trainer road, but I haven’t filled any out yet regarding sets as I have no idea how to estimate TSS for this. If anything I’d consider using the same every time (assuming similar workouts) or just leaving it at zero. What is everyone else doing?

Apologies for the thread jack, but feeds into the overall topic.

Hey there,

Here is the recent update we have on strength work:

As @Helvellyn said, try to pair your lifting days up with your hard rides if possible. That way, you get all of your hard work done on the same day, ideally leaving the next day open for an easier spin or a rest day for recovery.

This article may help you out when thinking of how to fit strength training into your overall cycling plan:

On top of all that, make sure you’re eating and sleeping enough to support your recovery between sessions. It sounds like you’re quite active, so your body needs the fuel!

@Trix8806 you shouldn’t have to worry too much about TSS for your strength sessions – and you should be able to fill out what working sets you’ve done in the gym without needing any TSS info. RLGL then uses that data to recommend any changes moving forward in your training plan. More info on how to use working sets can be found in the following article:

@ZackeryWeimer - thanks a ton! One thing I didn’t see clearly outlined was plyometric exercises (box jumps, lateral bounds, side steps with bands, etc.). Should those be counted as legs or left off? They generally aren’t done near failure like squats or bench press. My sample workouts look like this:

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Do they generate much fatigue? Hopefully not if you’re doing them as RFD / power work.

Slightly but not terrible. Do them as supersets to other exercises.