Wanted to give my background briefly and get input on what you guys feel is best for me.
I competed in triathlons the past two seasons and did awesome last year, which I felt was odd as my FTP seemed lower than the first year. I did all sprints. I ended up taking October-December off. I originally planned to only take 2 weeks off and jump back in. I started back up in late December of just easy rides and runs. I just completed a 4 weeks session of traditional base, which was nice and easy. I am debating doing another block of 4 more weeks of same thing vs. sweet spot. My confidence is a bit low and I want to get back to the competitive edge I had last year-being fast and efficient.
Race season starts in May. What would you guys jump on? Just wondering if Sweet spot is more intensity than I am ready for.
*Also, How do I find the polarized stuff? I’ve heard about it, but not seeing it in the plans. If a polarized version of SS exists, that may be what I am looking for.