Trainer help - new bike, rear wheel skewer?

I just got a new bike (my first nicer bike - have been training on an old commuter). But realized I now don’t know how to hook up my bike to the trainer safely.

Bike has a Mavic Aksium Disc 135x9mm QR rear axle.
Trainer is a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.

First, I assume it’s safe to attach a carbon bike to a trainer like this?

If that’s true… how do I get around the quick release back axle? It doesn’t seem like I can just hook it up to the rig as is. Seems like I need a different QR or axle in back?

Thanks for your help! Total bike newbie.

You need a simple trainer skewer. Most trainers include one.
If you don’t have one, you can get one from your local shop.

Like this:

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Since you have a disc bike I suspect you’ll need a Traxle. Check out this page to guide you Kinetic Traxle Thru-Axle Adapters-Kinetic - Bike Trainers

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@julianoliver, his post indicates 135mm x 9mm QR, so regular MTB length QR skewer should be right.

Hmmm, actually maybe not. I read your original post too quickly. 9mm QR is what you have now. @mcneese.chad is probably right on with the steel QR. They’re cheap and your local LBS should stock them. If you have any doubt, LBS or calling Kurt Kinetic will set you right.

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Yep, I see I was too hasty :speak_no_evil:

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It happens. I saw your post and thought I made the mistake.
I had to re-re-read to be sure :stuck_out_tongue:

Super helpful - thank you both!

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