Trainer road crashed

at almost the end of a hard workout, so I restartd it, but I got only the last 2 minutes.

Is there any way I can mark a workout as done, so that it will show my weekly TSS correctly?

Found this in the search. Is this the only way?

Can you estimate your actual TSS for the workout? For example, did you hold all the power targets more or less accurately (TSS would be what’s published for the workout); did you exceed some targets {TSS higher than the published figure); or did you hold a bit less power than the targets (TSS lower than the published figure). Any figure within about 10 of the “true” TSS is probably good enough and you probably have a better estimate than that if you followed the workout closely.

Then go to the calendar. Click on the day you did the workout. A pop-up menu appears. Select Add Other Activity. Type in a name. Tick the box that the activity has been done. Choose the duration. Click on the Intensity Estimate box and choose Custom. Type in your estimated TSS and click Save.

Done. If you think that the crash was TR and not your equipment then report it to TR Support.

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Thanks. Maintained power absolutely bang on except for a 10% redution in the last 3 minutes of a 12 minute interval. I can estimate the TSS

I recommend reaching out to the Support Team regarding this issue; they may be able to recover your day from the ride lost during the crash :+1:.

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