TrainerRoad Cost

I thought I read somewhere that when you bought the TR package you were grandfathered with the original costs. Did I read this correctly? If so, did this policy change? Or, that was never the case.


What “package”?
The legacy pricing only applies if you had started a TR subscription before those price increases AND maintained payment (monthly or yearly payments both qualified) without any gaps. If you stopped paying at any time, when you returned to TR you’d pay the current rate at that time.

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The annual fee.

Who do I talk to if I have questions on my billing?




As long as your subscription has always been active it should be grandfathered. Have you had any gaps in the subscription?

Update. I reached out to TR support on January 31st requesting all of my payments because there were 3 payments missing from my account. TR responded on February 1st with the requested information. After reviewing my annual payments from 2019 to 2025, I noticed TR increased my annual payment this year (2025). There were no breaks in service and my payments are on an automatic payment schedule. On, February 7th, I asked TR why my annual payment increased if payments are grandfather from initial payment and TR has not responded to my inquiry (over 8 days now).

TR since someone from your staff responded in this thread can you come back and explain this or reach out to me? I’d appreciate a response to my inquiry.

Has TR increased anyone else’s payments?


Legacy* payment :slight_smile: