yesterday I’ve registered on trainerroad and did my first ramp test. I’ve noticed that it emits a beeping sound 3 seconds before each interval, which was kinda cool. I listened some music on Spotify in the meantime.
Today I was doing my first workout and whenever the next interval was approaching, 3 secs before it just paused my playlist on Spotify. Did anyone experience this?
That seems like expected behavior to me. If you get a call or another sound source on that same device, I expect that Spotify takes 2nd priority and pauses from that other sound trigger. But that’s a guess based upon what I get on my Galaxy phones.
I think it’s more of a Spotify related issue with multiple sound sources rather than TR. But maybe not true if you get different results with other apps also producing sound parallel to Spotify without a pause?
I think it’s a spotify issue. I’ve been running into that lately when I’ve been listening to spotify and have google maps giving me directions while I bike around town. Sometimes (frustratingly, not always, so hard for me to diagnose and solve), Spotify pauses when I get in a driving direction, and I have to go in and hit “play” again.
Not sure on if it’s a TR or spotify app (or even device/OS) issue specifically, but looks like you can turn off the beeping in the TR app settings. I’m guessing you’d rather the music continue unabated than hear the beeps and have to constantly restart spotify. Quieting TR app should do the trick.
I don’t have this problem running Spotify & TR so long as TR is in “entertainment mode” the TR beeps drown out the Spotify audio, but it doesn’t pause it.
That’s on Windows 11. (could be a platform setting?)
I believe this is a mobile-specific thing with Spotify.
It sounds like this is happening across the board regardless of the secondary app that’s running, so I don’t think it’s something we can change unfortunately.
Do you also have both “Interval sounds” and “Instructional text sounds” turned on in trainerroad app under device settings? I may have changed some settings after my first ramp test and probably that is causing the issue now. Eventually I can turn off the sound on trainerroad, but since it was working on the ramp test, I would rather try to get it back.
I have instructional text turned off because I wasn’t using it, so I don’t get sounds for that. I do have interval sounds turned on and do get the 3 beeps at the end of each interval. When I have Spotify going, the music gets quieter during the beeps but isn’t paused.
I did a workout today again, turned off instructional text sounds, and I started Spotify before the trainerroad app. Not sure which one helped, but now again have the beeping before intervals + spotify runs without any issues.
I experienced this for the first time this morning but with Apple Music and iPadOS. Instead of ducking the audio as expected, it paused it during every interval count down. In several cases, even the interval countdown didn’t make a sound despite the music being paused. I did Teutonia so if my count is correct, the music was paused 37 times during the workout. Quite an unwelcome extra challenge!
It might be outside of the control of TrainerRoad, but given it’s been reported for different streaming services on different operating systems/devices, maybe there’s an issue after all?