I have just just purchased TrainerRoad
I’m running a Wahoo Blue SC Speed Cadence sensor on Elite E-motion rollers.
The Wahoo fitness app works flawlessly including sync to strava.
Having selected my rollers from the menu and added the Wahoo successfully I went on to perform the ramp test.
Half way through the warmup the app becomes juddery, seemingly loosing bluetooth connection ? So I get output drops from then on throughout the test and warm down, at one point pausing itself as I was holding a high cadence. The results ? … I was expecting a really wacky output but in the end it was more puzzling. More or less the whole ramp data wiped out.
The android device running the App a ZTE Blade 7 LTE which is not an ancient phone. Wifi and Mobile data was switched off during the ramp so I tried it with the home Wifi switched on (in the event that made a difference) … same problem though.
I then tried another workout… same problems.
Went back to the Wahoo App to check the sensor… All fine.
Any ideas ???
Additionally … during the workout Trainer road was recording my effort throughout the ramp (with dropouts similar to those seen before and after on the image) … strange to see the flat lines
Did you have both the wahoo fitness app and trainerroad running at the same time? If you did, try closing the wahoo app.
I restarted the Phone with nothing but Trainer Road running on my 2nd attempt.
additionally the whole interface is running very S L O W
Start a support ticket…they get back to you pretty quickly.
looking around the app I note that when I click on Subscription Options in the Account page I get the error message Account Unavailable ??
Could it be that my payment alowed me to access and use the app but its glitch ridden until someone rubber stamps my payment in person ??
Update… My Android phone is now recognizing I have a subscription… I tried the ramp again with the same issues, so its not that.
Ok… out of the attempts up to now it looks like I get just over 3 mins into the warmup before I get a drop out.
So… I turned off ‘intelligent power saving standby’ just incase TrainerRoad was struggling to keep the connection live… just going through a process of elimination… its not that either.
I’m certain my sensor is fine. Works great with the Wahoo app and is brand new.
Tried it with wifi off and on … still glitchy performance from Trainer Road