This thread is where active TrainerRoad users can share their Free Trial Referral Codes with potential users to try TrainerRoad.
User Types and Actions:
Current users can access their available Referrals here ,
- Use the “Copy” button to grab a code,
- Paste in a reply to this thread or,
- Send a private forum message to the person with a referral request.
Potential users can post here to request a code.
- A current user will reply via forum post or private message with the code.
How to send a Private Forum Message:
- Note: Private Messages are restricted for new users. This means that existing forum members need to send the message to the new forum member (person requesting a referral code):
- Click the desired user’s avatar (round picture) and then you will see details about the user.
- Click the red [ Message ] button to start a private message to that person.
- Paste the Referral Code Link and any message you’d like to add.
- Click the red [ Message ] button to send the message with the link.
Original topic: