New user here and I’m using a macbook pro with Catalina OS. I’m about to do my first workout but App crashes whenever I hit on begin and counter still at 00:00. Tried it with other workouts but same result.
Updated OS/App and With or without the devices, app is crashing
I’ve been experiencing exactly the same problem since upgrading to Catalina.
Ran a Mac Software Update yesterday, which didn’t solve the problem.
Starting the working doesn’t cause problems - the app crashes as soon as I start pedalling.
@paolooo were you able to fix this?
@iamholland can you please send the link to the thread you’re talking about?
I’m guessing @iamholland was referring to this thread:
I’m not able to find your TrainerRoad account, but it sounds like you’re likely using our Legacy application which is known to crash on macOS Catalina. Our Legacy application is quite old now and unfortunately some things in the latest macOS release “broke” it.
We released a brand new application back in July, it can be downloaded here. Once upgraded, you should stop running into crashes when attempting to start a ride.
It looks like you were able to resolve this one by updating to our latest app, like I mentioned above - I see that you completed a ride today. Please do reach out to if you run into any other issues.
Thanks for jumping in here!
The issue that you two are referring to was resolved on our end about a day after Catalina released - users should no longer have to go through any workarounds to run TrainerRoad on macOS Catalina.
Yup I think I got the old download link. Thanks