I use both Trainerroad and TrainingPeaks. When my data is sent from TR to TP the TSS is different.
TR is higher.
Any ideas why?
you need the same FTP in both. Once you do that, you’ll have matching TSS in TR and TP
Thanks I’ll check
p.s. when FTP is set wrong, both TR and TP allow you to “fix” the TSS. You have to do it workout by workout.
That was it thank you.
I have my FTP set the same in both TR and TP, and still see differences, where TR TSS is much higher than TP. For this mornings workout my TSS on TR was 95 and on TP was 79. Are others seeing this?
Can’t recall the exact details, but IIRC have seen some anomalies when there is a large spike in power within first 30 seconds of starting a workout, or restarting after pausing.
What about the Normalized Power (NP) in TR and in TP? Are they the same? Same question for kJ of work.
Any chance TP is getting the data from somewhere else (Garmin, Strava…) and not from TR?