Trainerroad update changes...Erg Mode?

I’ve been off the bike for awhile. When I updated TR, I no longer see the Erg Mode option. Was this removed or am I missing something?

Can you post a screen shot of your Devices screen with the trainer active?

There had been no deliberate removal of ERG, so there’s a bug or a settings issue.

Will ERG mode be in the TR setting tab? Just want to make sure I look in the correct spot and include the correct image. Thanks…

  • No, you must look in the Devices section, specifically at the trainer as paired in the that menu. There are animated GIF’s in this link to review. See the " Changing Modes…" sections to match your use.

Ok. I’ll recheck this. It sounds like I was looking in the wrong place. LIke I said, it’s been awhile since being on the trainer.


Let us know if you found it or if you need a hand!