TrainerRoad - what do users expect / want in the future

For SS, Threshold, and endurance, I often take a look at what general type of workout TR is trying to give me, and then I go to the workout creator and make a simpler version of it. Only takes a minute or two once you have a few workouts built.

Just a tool tip next to each ‘how was the workout’ level to explain how they feel would be nice.


I would like to see work outs that follow a linar progression

like vo2 2 min @ 120%, I would like to see the next work out be vo2 2:30min @120% i find it hard to find this progression in the work outs


Intensity levels that are bespoke and not pegged to FTP i.e. vO2 workouts for those with more fast twitch might need a bit more than ~120%
Ability to export, the value is the system not the individual workouts
Logical progression of workouts as they jump around a lot
Identification of weaknesses and guided ways to work through them e.g. more time to exhaustion with increasing blocks of time etc
AI detection of the PD curve in REAL TIME. there is no reason not to. Im not just interested in ftp, I might be of a cycling discipline where 1/2/5/10min is equally important, as well as lt1 and power at vO2 max.


Online workout builder , so many workouts have frustratingly long recovery periods (Hunter? Maybe is an example) , also would mean it would be easy to progress things like sweetspot interval length at the same intensity rather than workouts that have intervals that range from 88-94%. As @CaptainThunderpants suggested, if the online workout builder isn’t an option (although I don’t see why it wouldn’t be, pretty much everybody else out there has one) then, an option for simpler workouts would be great.


I would like even more small changes in power inside those long intervals to get less bored.


Sounds like you both need to use the “alternates” feature more often :grin:


On the subject of workouts specifically…

The option to add a custom warmup that I can use to override the default warmup for the workout. Same for the cool down. There are many workouts that have very short warmups, and some have cool downs that are entirely too brief. E.g. Hard Cheese, Penygadaire, and Rosa all have less than 3 min cool down, after a 75 min sweet spot set. That’s nutty, and also blows out the time slot for the workout. If I tell Plan Builder I have 75 min for a workout, that includes a reasonable cool down. When there’s a whopping 1:30 (looking at you Rosa) to cool down, I have to add time. And that pushes beyond the planned time I reserved.

What I’d really like to see is a time given for the core intervals of the workout, without warmup or cool down, then let me use my own. When building a plan, I’ll can tell Plan Builder what my warmup and cool down times are, and it can pick workouts where the core time + my warmup + my cool down = my assigned time. If it can’t fit the necessary progression level into that time, give me a warning when it happens, and let me override either my chosen warmup/cool down or my allocated time.

Ideally I could build a small library of warmups and cool downs, and tell plan builder which ones to use for what sort of workout. Then, when the workout is constructed, my assigned VO2 warmup is inserted into the VO2 workouts, etc.



Seriously, it’s kind of sad that TR has the most embarrassingly bad workout builder out there. Like, you look at something like ZWO Factory and you can make a workout in 2 minutes. TR’s workout builder is just so bad. I’d love if they would actually put out something that works.


So they can suggest another busy workout as the alternate?


Its not because of any specific workout that I can replace with an alternate. Almost every TR endurance workout has long periods at the excat same power thatvis something you never have outdoors. A bit of change (+ or - 5 or 10w) every now and then on those intervals would be nice.
One of the reasons I love Systm workouts is that unconstant but within the zone power that makes the workout more fun and less boring.

What I’m hearing is that it would be nice to be able to easily switch between “smooth” and “busy” workouts because everyone is different.

You’re correct that isn’t necessarily addressed specifically in “alternates” and probably could be in the future.


Or the real fix for an alternate for “smooth” would be a setting that allow a range like Zwift does. E.g., allow power to “float” within a +/- 2% range. So if I’m supposed to do a Sweet Spot at 200watts, then I could float between 196 and 204 watts naturally.

This seems to happen naturally during my workouts… Am I missing something? :thinking:


I’m assuming it’s an erg thing. I just don’t use erg and it solves this problem.

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I use ERG on a TACX NEO 2T and its deffo “floating” not a static W. More like a 5% float too.

My OG Neo definitely did not do that. I haven’t done a workout in erg in at least a year though, so not sure if that’s changed.

I’d like to see a more modular plan builder that actually builds plans instead of adapting an old, predefined plan. I’d like to be able to tell it that I want a cycling discipline plus running and strength training and have it build out the plan with everything scheduled in relation to the other workouts—so, adding strength training on a hard cycling day and not putting hard runs the day before hard rides. It seems like the AI training tools that’ve hit the market as AI training tools from the outset are built around this method. This would help a lot with cross training, but also the five of us who want duathlon plans.


I’d like duathlon plans too so make that 6 of us :rofl:


A focus on outdoor rides…

Outdoor specific easy to execute workouts, e.g. intervals within a longer ride. Proper analysis and progression of outdoor rides. Outdoor focus areas - e.g. time spent with pressure on the pedals Z2, easy spins, big gear climbs, etc etc