I jumped into road cycling nearly 2 years back have done couple of 100miles ride events and last week did Mount Baker Hill Climb (https://bakerhillclimb.com/). After looking at my time and results, I’m left wondering: what’s the best training approach for me, and where should I focus to step up my game? what do i need to do to improve ?
Here’s a bit about me:
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Weight: 205 lbs
Height: 6 feet
Vo2Max: 47
W/KG: 2.66
My last challenging climb was 22.29 miles with a 4390ft elevation gain, clocking in at 2 hours, 16 minutes, and 16 seconds.
Given my current level, what’s the right training program for me? How much should I be thinking about weight, and what areas should I be focusing on to get better?
Hey @pooria_koleyni welcome to TR & the forums, you’re gonna love it here! And you’re gonna get faster… fast… : / [Gotta be a better way to say that! LOL]
Definitely start on an Low Volume plan. Most new TR users, and many veterans, are happiest there.
If you want more volume, you can add in extra outdoor rides, be they Z2 or otherwise. Only move to MV if after trying LV for at least 6 weeks, you really want more intervals & intensity.
If you have specific races in your calendar next year, Plan Builder is great. It does allow you to make modifications, and will reshuffle to accommodate, and keep you peaking just in time for your event[s]. That’s the main advantage; it keeps you on track for an event.
However, I’ve found that without an event, I much prefer to add individual training plan blocks. I add one at a time, complete it, then add the next. That way if I have to shuffle, or move weeks, it only affects the rest of the current block. Easier!
Strongly recommend Sweet Spot Base - Low Volume I → Sweet Spot Base Low Volume II → Sustained Power Build → Either Climbing or Rolling Road Race. Or any other specialty you like the look of. You’ll know your stuff by then, and which one you want to do.
New TR users are loving this route, and given your history and riding types, I think you’d dig it!
Load the plan, start w a ramp test, and then just follow the plan, and answer the surveys. Don’t mess with anything!!! I wish I had known that!
Feel free to skip a WO if too tired [extra rest is good, not bad!], or reduce intensity if you feel low one day, but commit to yourself that for the first 6 week block, you will not increase intensity. Just let it do it’s thing. Trust… you’re gonna be happily in pieces, crying for Mommy in no time!!
Grab the chart at the link below and screen grab it to your phone, or print it and put it in your training room. This is how the surveys should be answered. The divisions are very clearly defined, and very important!
Critical, and I wish I knew when I started: All your WOs should be Moderate or Hard. Some 'Easy’s are also OK. One very hard per week is OK. More than one VH in a week, or even one All Out [only applies if you Technical DNF: Bail out, decrease difficulty %, backpedal, etc.], something is wrong.
If that happens, bump your FTP down manually. I’d recommend 5 - 7.5%. Don’t worry… again… it’s gonna catch up real fast. Too fast!
Ask any FU questions you’d like. Super helpful, great group of people.
TR’s pretty damn neat, but honestly, the people in this forum are the main reason I’m 20% more powerful, happily and healthily, than I was just 10 mo ago. Good luck, and enjoy!
Very solid post by @Chris1982. I had come here to respond, but I see no real need now.
I’ll add only one thing: don’t get hung up on FTP, on numbers, on results. Enjoy each workout. Enjoy each ride. Enjoy, above all, the training PROCESS. Don’t overcomplicate or overthink your training… ask me how I know.
Does the OP have or use TrainerRoad? I didn’t see where he asked what TrainerRoad plan to use. Not discounting the great advice above but what if he’s trying to make his own plan?
The Mt Baker Hill Climb looks awesome! Nice work on those 100mi events and getting into that uphill race!
@Chris1982 laid out so much excellent information that I don’t feel the need to add much more – only to encourage you to check out TR and our plans since it looks like your account isn’t active at the moment.
We’d recommend starting out on a Low Volume plan and using TrainNow to safely add volume to your plan as you see fit. Think about when your A race is next year, and try to fit in a full cycle of Base > Build > Specialty before your goal event and you’ll be flying!
I’d say that there are a few fundamental decisions to take early on:
How much time a week do you want to aim for?
is there any saddle time you can add by commuting or moving about town on a bike?
what is the most fun for you on a bike? Do you think you can cope with structure or do you prefer an approach where you can be spontaneous?
It looks like the type of event and riding you enjoy does not really include explosive sprints and such, so I’d focus on long sustained power if you go for structure, and don’t worry too much with the weight. It’ll surely come down when you get quicker.