Hi guys so Ive got two important dates this year, masters national track champs (June) and masters worlds track champs (October)…
So I currently race (track) endurance, but for the champs Im looking at 500m and 2km, so need to change my training from my usual endurance, going out for 100 miles at a time.
My plan is start the mid volume short power build and then in the 8 weeks to june the criterium mid volume and then the 8 weeks to October the xc mid volume.
As Im self coaching any advice comments criticism etc… will be hugely appreciated.
And as a footnote come summer how do people insert realroad riding into their plans…??
The Short Power Build is a great option for what you want to do.
That said, instead of the XC plan, I would recommend the Gravity plan for a training plan that is more focused on short power that would translate better to Track.
As for riding outdoors, we recommend you do your interval workouts on the trainer as it is more productive but you are more than welcome to do your more endurance focused rides outdoors! We just want you to get the entire workout benefit when doing your intervals and the trainer is where that happens. You can check out this Q&A about taking your training outdoors: https://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/204265814-Outdoor-Workout-Substitutions-Q-A