Currently on a full distance triathlon training plan, low volume and have been making great progress. My typical weeks are 2-3 trainer rides followed by one long, hard group ride (peaked at 5hrs).
It’s at a point in the plan where that long group ride is down to 3.5hrs for about 252 TSS. However, we’re expecting a lot of rain this weekend so I decided to switch it to an indoor right (right clicking on the calendar and selecting indoor ride). The issue is that hard 3.5hr, 252 TSS ride becomes an endurance ride for 1.5hrs, 55 TSS. I understand outdoors you’re coasting/free wheeling more and you don’t have that constant resistance, but how can that recommended indoor ride possibly have the same effect as the planned outdoor ride? Has anyone used this feature to switch group rides to indoor and had the same kind of recommendation?
Should I instead look for an indoor ride with equivalent TSS to the planned outdoor ride (ignoring duration) and add that manually? Any input would be much appreciated.
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Consider a large, virtual group ride on Zwift….for example, if you are in the US, there is a ~4 hour BMTR ride every Sat at 7:10 Central time. I do it quite often during the winter. For the B group, I usually end up in the 220-230 TSS range.
You can also string some different, shorter group rides together……so an easy Z2 ride for an hour, do a race to get some high intensity in, then switch to another group ride.
If you only have TR at your disposal, you can filter the workouts to find something close in TSS, or you can do a series of workouts to get you the different stimulus and TSS you are seeking (kinda like the idea of different group rides above)
At the end of the day, don’t sweat it too much….it is only one day / workout. Just get a good long ride in, whatever way works. Life happens….No single workout is going to make or break a training plan.
Love @Power13 idea of taking your group ride to Zwift!!
It’s important to note that not all TSS is created equal. Two different workouts can have a similar training load but can vary significantly in duration and intensity.
While the 1.5hr workout will have a different TSS from your outside ride, these activate the energy systems, bodily stress, and recovery in a different way, so it may just be the right swap!
Most often than not, the indoor workout will be able to work the energy systems needed in much less time. A 3.5hr endurance ride is not the same as a 3hr endurance ride indoor, so lowering the time on the saddle for your indoor ride makes sense, plus I don’t think I would want to be more than two hours on the saddle inside 
You can, however, choose a Workout Alternate to the scheduled Indoor Workout if you feel you need more.