Hello everyone, i just signed up to TR few days ago, and I am about to start a Trainingplan soon. But before i would like your opinion on my Training. I will give you a brief rundown of my cycling “career” (this is not really a career), so you get a better picture of my situation.
I used to ride E bike for about 3 years now, avg. about 600 to 1000km a year. Last Year in June 2019 it really hit me (Some call it Brain changer). I start do ride a lot first still on my E-Bike and since Sep. on Roadbike on Zwift. From End of August until now, ride on Zwift about 4000km. I did ride 5 Days a Week for about 8-10 sometimes 12 Hours a week. In this process I lost a lot of weight about 25kg. I am 39 / 1.75m and 75kg now. Ramp Test Ftp from Zwift 274W (TR not done, Real FTP I can ride the workouts 235-250W)
I thinks this give you an idea where I am coming from, and this may help you to answer some of my questions:
Since I still consider myself a beginner Rider would a Mid/Low Volume 6 to 8h a week Traditional Training plan with a lot of Zone 2 Work and more Duration be better for me then a Low Volume SSB Base plan? For my First real season?
Also I started doing some Strength work in the Gym, 2 Times a week for the start, I don’t plan to do this for too long but I think besides my legs where I now have some nice muscles my Core and flexibility is still lacking. This is why I like to dedicate 2 hours to Strength work but that means I can only do 3 to 4 Rides a week, or is it a good idea to ride after the Gym some low intensity Zone 2 for 1h?
Also Since I never had more than 2 consecutive recovery Days since Sep, like I say I do recovery on Monday and on Friday, ride more on the weekend. Is it necessary to take a Full week off at some Point? How much Recovery do I need before I start the new Training plan?
You think the big different in the Ramp test ftp and the Workout FTP comes from lack of recovery or overreaching to much in too short time?
Thanks a lot for your feedback, and sorry about spelling.