I have a quick weekend in DC for a wedding March 7/8. Can anyone from there or familiar with the area tell me a good stretch of road or a trail without 10 million stops to get a 15 min effort in. I don’t mind riding back and forth on the same 20min section of trail or road like a psychopath, but it would be nice to squeeze in a workout before the wedding and before hitting the road sunday
Rock Creek park has a fairly good stretch of road that is closed to traffic. The C and O canal (not Capital Crescent) would work for a gravel bike. Be sure to get out early because family traffic can be chaotic. Further out into the Maryland suburbs near Potomac, MacArthur Blvd into River Road has a couple good sections. I would avoid the WOD and the George Washington parkway in NoVa but could be a last case scenario.
im looking at google maps. It looks like you can make a loop out of beachwood drive NW and Ross drive. sound familiar? The wedding is at the Willard, where we will also be staying and it looks pretty easy to shoot right over to that park. Like 3 miles. Good warm up and cool down.
All good suggestions. Also, Rapha has a group ride on Saturday morning out or the store in Georgetown. They usually head out McArthur for a couple of hours. Easy to turn around and head back to the hotel if you can’t make the full ride.
Oops. Rapha ride is on Sunday morning.
A lot of people ride around the East Potomac Park road loop, as it is very close to downtown and bikes mostly get right of way at weekends. But it isn’t that long, so you end up doing lots of loops. It is a nice spot though. I used to ride the Mt Vernon Trail for longer rides on weekends. You can go for miles on paved bike trail all the way. But it isn’t that great for ‘efforts’ as there can be lots of other folks out there. Get out on it early and it is great - and very scenic.
The beach drive and Ross loop is a good one FWIR. March can still be cold so layer up
Im from the ohio/michigan border so I planned on the layers haha. Thanks for all the help guys.