So where I live is flat as a pancake. There is only one very short climb nearby. It has a double tap gradient separated by a flat & slight decent. Road conditions not great so booming the relief section is not practical, you need to ride that heads up and with margin. Rough timings: 1min-1min-1min. So right in the regime for a interesting power training experiment. When I started TR I hit my PB on this in the first year never contemplated such things before. Felt that such times had long passed. I have my average & peak power on the climb for that run. Haven’t come close since. Thought of using this PB as a training goal for an Autumn block.
Question.:How to do this? Now the one minute power profiles in the PB were all below my demonstrated capacity so it appears to be a question of pacing and practice. I was going to give over one of my weekly sessions to a preparation for this. So do I go for an interval that replicates this profile so:
1min VO2max- 1min sub-threshold- 1min VO2max repeat a couple of times with due attention to a proper rest interval. Starting out below current capacity then ease up the level of the VO2max interval until I exceed the peak/average requirement.
Or do I start at the required average power to break the PB. Just at a shorter time, say 30 seconds, then gradually extend the time out to beyond the PB to increase the dose at the required load?
Or am I being hopelessly naive?