TrainingPeaks (1/2) synch request

I have TP and TR all synched up. However, :-), what I really want is for TR to send completed workouts to TP (BTW, working GREAT!) and suggested TP workouts not auto-send to TR (unless requested). Currently, it’s synching in both directions. I thought TP to TR update was only a manual pull… Is that correct?

(NOTE I may have accidentally “pulled” TP to TR). Just trying to get verification. If it is a manual pull, can you specify “what” to pull or is it everything forward?


Hey there,

By enabling Activity Sync with TrainingPeaks, your completed TrainerRoad workouts sync to TrainingPeaks, and your custom TrainingPeaks workouts sync to TrainerRoad.

The sync works automatically, so you’d still see custom workouts from TP appearing on your TR Calendar, even if you don’t hit the manual pull button.

I’ll pass this request along to the rest of the team, though! Feel free to let me know if you need a hand with anything else.

Thanks… When I look in TR can I easily tell which is which? I’m in the process of transitioning from TP to TR workouts so have a few of both, What do others do?

Hey @grega :slight_smile: They should be pretty easy to spot due to their names.

Another way you can quickly check if it’s a TR Workout or not is if it has an Outside option available.

Only TR Workouts have Outside options since we manually created them on the back end for every TR Workout.


Awesome thanks!