Trouble pausing workout outside

Hello everyone!

Although I’ve been researching online, I keep having trouble while doing a workout outside and having to stop for a minute to pee or whatever.

I have a Garmin 1030 and although I pause both the activity and the workout, it seems like the time keeps running (the garming beeps to say the watts are low, the bar showing the power in time keeps moving and so on).

The weirdest thing happen the last time when I stopped for 3 minutes (it remained 60 minutes for the serie to finish) and after I resumed, it said it remained 63 minutes, what??

So, could you please help me what I should do when I have to stop while doing series in a workout?

Thanks a lot!

I stop the activity/workout, ignore the save activity prompt, then start it again when I need to.


The inability to easily pause a workout while still recording the ride on Garmin is really unfortunate. I switched from Wahoo over to Garmin last summer and prefer a lot of the Garmin features, but the Outside Workout setup for Wahoo (when it’s working) is so much better than on Garmin.

It’s to the point where I’ve considered swapping out mounts to use my old Bolt when I am doing an outdoor structured workout, and the Garmin for when I’m racing, doing an unstructured ride, or riding in a new place.

If I am time constrained I won’t stop a outside work out but I do (pause it) the majority of time through the twisty bit of the park or when the park is busy, elsewise I use the park for warm up. I have the 1030 as well, it’s as simple as pressing the bottom right stop button and pressing it again to restart (mind you don’t touch the screen).

Same. Just hit stop, do my thing, and resume ride. I might get a weird Strava track if I keep moving, but I don’t worry about it.

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Are you pausing by accessing the menu from the dedicated Garmin workout page or by using the activity START/STOP button?

The only problem (1st World Problem) with stopping/pausing the workout for me is when I restart it, the Garmin defaults to its training page and I need to scroll back to the setup TR data page :thinking:

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Yes…so much this. I mean, just pause and start again in the same dang spot, Garmin! :slight_smile:

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There is a quarter turn adapter you can buy for whatever mount you have that will allow you to use the other type of head unit. You just keep the adapter attached to the computer it’s needed for and nothing changes with the mount itself. :slight_smile: