It looks like it’s tapering into the “A” race from what you posted. TR wouldn’t taper into “B” races, I believe they are treated like another day of training. Some people will try to justify a mini taper for B races, but I’m not a fan of the approach. A half-ass taper isn’t going to make you significantly faster on race day and just hurts your training.
As @grwoolf mentioned, you won’t get a full taper going into your B events. It does look like you have openers before your B races, so your overall volume for those weeks will be a bit lower than your non-race weeks, but the taper won’t be the same as it will leading into your A event for the season.
Doing a full taper for every race on your schedule would throw your training off track. It’s important to remember that your B races, while important, aren’t your top-priority events for the year. You’re ultimately building up to have peak fitness (and then resting up to be at your freshest) for your A race later on.
I see that you’re training for triathlon, but this article still might be useful to you all the same: