It looked like it did that to me this morning after finishing a workout on my iPad. It said 0/129 TSS. However when I logged in on my computer and checked on my Android TR app on my phone, it’s showing up properly at 131/129.
I run the latest andriod version of TR on a Samsung S8.
When I go to the website it states the correct TSS.
But on the app it continues to say 0 TSS, even after a few days. It also throws off weekly TSS numbers as displayed in the app calendar
I had exactly this same problem with my last ride on Tuesday past using my iphone TR app.
Clicking through to “Analyse” the ride seemed to then pull the TSS back through again.
Very strange and defintely another bug. There seems to be a lot of bugs popping up as they develop the system “Live”. I give them their due though as they tend to resolve them quickly.
I did contact TrainerRoad support. They responded, on a Saturday no less(!), and stated that it is a known bug in the production app that currently has no known resolution date.
The following workaround was given:
“Delete and then reinstall the TrainerRoad app. This should restore the TSS values of all of your rides in TrainerRoad. That being said, it will not prevent future rides from having a TSS of zero in the app until the fix is released. You can however delete and reinstall the app as much as you would like until a fix is released.”