Turn off In-Ride Instructions?

Is there anywhere to turn off the instructions. I sometimes find when @chad is telling me that backpedalling or bailing is an option the RPE ramps up. I’m in a zone and a new instruction pops up to remind me how much this hurts. I don’t always find it helpful.

When you have the app open at the start go to settings, the toggle is in there.

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Just finished Galena and the first half of the last 20min SS interval was saying how ending this workout early is acceptable if you think you need to. Definitely not what I needed at that point.


Exactly :yum:

So the only way to do this is pre-workout? You can’t get mad at the instructions during it and tell him to shutup?

Yah the coaching for the last intervals in all of the Galena workouts are trash.

Nope! You can do this at any point in your workout by clicking the menu icon at the upper right of your workout screen. Then click ‘Settings’ to turn instructional text off. You wont have to exit your ride to do this. :v:

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An option for Win/Mac users, the ‘W’ key toggles Workout Text On/Off: