Two Workouts on same day?

Hey guys,

I started using TR yesterday and today i saw that i have two scheduled workouts planned and, Saturday and Sunday the workouts are duplicated.

On the web, it shows my next workout correctly, but in Calendar and App, i have the issue described above.

From the next week onwards, everything seems ok.

Why is this and how do i fix this ? Should i just delete the workouts that i know that appeared after ?

I would delete the duplicates. Though you could also reach out to support for further guidance.


Hey Keoni.

Yes, that is what i will probably do.

I just want to know, if possible, why this happened and what i can do to prevent it, if thats the case.

I will reach out to CS aswell.

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Did you use PB previously and move workouts around?

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This happens to me when I try to use the drop down bars in calendar to change the plan that plan builder gave me. Like if I change from Low Volume to Mid, I end up with copies all over. Now I just delete manually, but I have also contacted support and they are wonderful and helpful.


Honestly i think i moved a bit but not yesterday.

Think i will delete the “extra” workouts for this week, as next week seems ok without any extra ones.