Any recs on specific training plan mods for ultra distance racing? Meaning 300-500 mile multi day events.
Most of my long ride training (specialty phase?) occurs on the bike. In-season will do one long ride a week, one or two VO2 or threshold workouts a week, then z2 anything else I feel like doing (ex: commuting). Not using TR at all during this, other than the occasional train now for indoor VO2 sessions when the weather is bad.
Winter on the trainer is about keeping fitness and improving FTP and such. There’s not really any long-distance specificity to it. This year I’m doing the 8wk high volume polarized plan and enjoying that, though have subbed in a weekly 2.5h tempo ride to replace one of the shorter z2 rides to help keep my volume up.
Cnidos. That’s about the plan I’ve settled on for this year. It’s close to what I’ve always done but I’m going to use train now to help me with the mid week vo2/threshold sessions. Like you, I’ll be restricting them to once or twice a week max.
I’ve planned a 7 day trip in March and have a 6 day mountain stage race in June, so a couple of nicely spaced targets to keep me focused.
I’ll go straight into the long rides outside though as I love riding in winter. Have just taken delivery of a Revelate Spinelock. Now that’s an improvement on my old bag. So much more volume too and it fits my bike lock over it perfectly.
These type of events are pretty much my main focus: my current training plan is aiming at next year’s Highland Trail 550
Once you know you can do multiple consecutive long days there’s no real training benefit to doing say a 100 mile ride on a regular basis, maybe one every six to eight weeks just to keep your body used to the pounding but be aware that they’ll take quite a bit out of you and mean a good bit of recovery.
Probably more important is sorting out your feeding strategy. You don’t say if your target events are self-supported, i.e. you can use commercial facilities but otherwise you are on your own, or if there are feed stations.
I do the low volume plans (I’ll be doing Mid Volume polarised after new year) and augment those with just going out for a ride. Those long rides will be Z2, if I can’t chat then I’m going too fast.
No “specific” plans needed. Just stay away from overly specific or intricate plans for other specialities. And I would advice to do a “Full” plan instead of a “time crunched” one. But on the other hand really no need for endless hours on the bike week-in, week-out or for doing a full audax series with 200, then 300, then 400 km rides…
You should occassionaly insert a shake-up ride, just to see how you operate for hours on end and with sleeping outside (or very shortly). So you know how this feels. But, once you do and have done this you also know how taxing this is to the body. And thusly doesn’t lend itself to a continous build up of the body.
What you want is a consistent training schedule with enough stress but also enough time to rest fully. I.e. really nothing else then say, someone wanting to be his best for a Gran Fondo, a Gran Fondo series or for Gravel races.
You have to be fast or develop get fast. That’s best done with a quite “normal” workout regime. Having said that I’d strongly advise against following any of the normal TR training plans. Nothing really wrong there but when I say “a quite normal” workout regime there simply have to be enough worthwhile hours in Zone 2 in a week. Building that Mitochondria and Base Endurance above all. No need to go overboard, but solid rides with 3 to 4 or even up to 6 hours at least once a week should be in your regimen. At least once the nastiest weather on the norther hemisphere is over in spring. One or two “Pettit” 1 hour Zone 2 trainer rides as your only Zone 2 won’t really cut it.
I’d take a look at the High Volume Traditional Base and High Volume Full Distance Triathlon plans to see if they fit the bill.
Just curious, what’s the stage race? I’m sorry of interested in getting into events like these, but they’re intimidating.
Joining in here because I’m interested too. I’m still fairly new to these events but hoping to get a place at LEL next year. Obviously not racing, but because I’m worried about cumulative lack of sleep, I really want to be as fast as I can be on the bike so I get enough hours sleep in. I found a lot of useful information about fatigue resistance in the sweet spot and threshold progression threads. That said, I’m just following a MV century training plan, currently on polarised base + weekly club rides (4-5h) and occasional day-long rides. I’d be very interested to hear about nutrition strategies from others. I’ve done a 650 km Audax on masses of drink mix and haribos (as well as real food at controls) but my teeth actually hurt from all the sugar at the end. Sweet Spot Progression