I will often do the intervals from my Tues/Thurs workouts in the middle of an otherwise unstructured outside ride. To get “credit” for the intervals/workout, I’ll typically flag it as outside and then it will associated with the actual ride I did after uploaded. But today’s workout has the “outside button” greyed out. Same thing for next week’s threshold workout. I’ve never seen this before. Any ideas?
They’ve probably not made an outdoors version of that workout yet.
They are supposed to have an Outside option for all (or nearly all) workouts. When you find one like this, it’s best to email them directly and they commonly get that fixed very quickly.
Thanks, I’ll reach out to support.
Oh no edit button…(looking for the pencil)
Nah, no pencil or edit. You simple hover over the “Outside” button, which should make the text color change from the gray to pure black, and shows as an active button to swap.
This one (as I tested) shows a red “no go” symbol that indicates no Outside version exists (or some other related problem). I’d screen grab, but my PC won’t work for the moment.
FYI, I was able to use the “match” function to just manually associate my outside ride to the scheduled workout. Actually a better way to do it, never realized it was there and was always using the automated association that required the workout to be flagged outside. I still put in a ticket on the 2 workouts without outside options, so hopefully they will fix those.