Unbound Gravel 2023

Lottery for the XL opens next week and the rest early next year.

Did the 200 the past couple of years and will likely do some version again next year lottery gods willing.

Who else is in (or at least planning on trying)?

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I still need some redemption from 2019, but I am doing FNLD GRVL the next week, so looks like I’m gonna need to wait another year. And I’m OK with that, TBH.

I am also reaching the point where the excessively long events / races are losing their appeal somewhat.

ETA - good luck with the lottery!!!

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I am going to try for the 100 mile single speed. Got in last year.

did the 100 with a positive result despite grossly under estimating food needed before the checkpoint.

Going to enter the lottery for the 200 and hope I have a job in time to cover the expenses. (lost the Meta layoff lottery, hope I Win the Unbound 200 lottery? :man_shrugging: )

If I don’t get in I’ll do Lost and Found on the same weekend.

If Unbound falls thru. Check out these other gravel events in Kansas. All of them are before June, Flint Hills and La Grind use a lot of the same roads of past DK/Unbound. The Open Range (amazing terrain/views) had registration open this past Saturday and already has 180 sign up.


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I’m putting my name in the hat, hope to do the 200z

I am also tired of longer events.

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Open Range Gravel is an amazing race and ride! You get to ride through some amazing private lands and open range in Pratt, KS. Highly recommend it! It has a bit of sand, gravel, water crossings, Grass-vel. All of it!
When you cross the finish line you get a chocolate milk… only ride I know where they do that!
Its also organized by a great dude - US veteran!


Hoping to get in for the 200. Got in for 2021 but wilted in the heat at mile 100. So need to redeem myself.


Same…but if I get in I’ll still do one (send help)

After they find you, please find me and pick me up too.


Don’t bother with me. Just let me perish in the ditch :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Planning to enter the 200 lottery. However given that they are now offering preferential entry to Lifetime Fitness members, I wonder how low the lottery chance will now be??

I thought they always offered that treatment?

I will be going out early to volunteer if I get in or dont get in.

Lots of strings attached to that though. Have to have been a member at least six months at the time of the lottery is one.

It’s a shame Unbound is always the same weekend as my beloved Dead Swede (I’ll be doing the full hundo this year); I would love to volunteer/race some time.

I’ll enter the lottery. Half of me wants to ride Unbound (it’s a bucket list race), the other half doesn’t (200 miles is hard no matter when, but especially early season in June)!

I’m waiting for the post on “what tires are you running?”. Then this thread will explode :laughing:


What about aero bars

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GK SK+ 43mm for tires were flawless for me last year. Put a new set on in May. Will do the same again this year.

IF I get into the 200, I’ll give the Farr Carbon Aero Bolt-on Large a try well in advance of the event.

I might try for xl. It’s cheaper than the 200! But I have to pay for my own snacks :rofl:

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Cheaper, yes, but not as much cheaper as in year’s past if I’m not mistaken. Plus you have to pay for the tracker as well! :smile_cat: