I, and my two roommates, have been working super hard for a year on a free cycling routing site, https://sherpa-map.com. I’ve announced its creation and some of its features from time to time here. One of our most exciting features is a full-on road surface overlay, showing every road in Europe, North America, and Australia that has a surface type in the OpenStreetMap database.
You can access this at the bottom of the interface, by simply pressing the “Show Overlay” button.
Black: Paved
Gray: Gravel
Brown/reddish color: Dirt
Tan: Unpaved (misc category that doesn’t fit the above)
This can be overlaid on a variety of different map types, including OSM/Google/Terrain/Mapbox, etc.
I’ve also augmented this data to include hundreds of thousands of miles of road that I used advanced AI classification techniques (segmentation AI + Resnet152 classification AI) to determine road surface. I also used some heuristics to essentially state “if residential road in town without existing surface type, paved” and “if primary/motorway road, without existing surface type, paved”.
After applying all of these techniques, I then rebuilt our routing software, Graphhopper, to utilize this data. So we can have some of the best paved/unpaved routing possible.
It has taken us so much time and effort to update this overlay to include Europe and Australia, and I’m so excited to finally share this!
Please enjoy, if you have any feedback, questions, or region requests, I’d be happy to hear it!