I’ve searched around in the forum a bit but haven’t found an answer that satisfies me, so sorry if this has been answered already.
I’m currently 3 weeks into Base 1 in the LV Plan with an extra easy spin on Wednesdays and an added endurance ride (around 100km) on Sundays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I also do 45min strength workouts.
So here’s the deal: I feel like I’m handling the stress well and that I could spend more time on the trainer than the prescribed 1 hour of the LV plan on weekdays. Should I upgrade to mid volume? I’d like to keep the free ride on Sunday however.
If yes: How do I change the plan and how would it impact Adaptive training? Or should I stick with low volume and use the workout alternates to up the workout durations?
Side note: I have a FTP of 260 Watts and I weight 68kg. I’ve been cycling for around 1 1/2 years, essentially picking up the hobby with the beginning of the pandemic.
You can simply delete the current plan and re-add the medium volume one. You can also delete the plan and use Plan Builder to generate something. Deleting the plans won’t affect your progress levels.
However you can also use the Alternates feature to choose an appropriate but longer ride. I favour LV because it’s three structured rides. If I have more time I’ll use alternates to pick a 75 or 90 min ride. (And sometimes shorten when I’m crunched.)
Thanks for the heads up! That’s exactly what I’m doing already. My fear was that I’m basically reproducing a mid volume plan, but I get the point that a LV plan with added workouts offers more flexibility.
I think this is smart. The question of stepping up to a higher volume plan I think is one of those “If you have to ask” things.
It’s time to step up when you know it will benefit you. If you are still seeing improvements with a LV+ then why up the volume? Doing a LV and still have “room” for weekend rides etc is more fun, isn’t it?
I had always done the low volume plans, in January I went for the mid volume, I also added workouts if or when I felt that I could manage them and in the zones that I felt would benefit me. This time last year my power to weight was 0.6 Watt lower than it is currently, I do more outdoor stuff in spring and summer with a mid summer tune up on TR. My power and durability has improved no end, power to weight up by 17%. The key for me has been learning about my body, something that only experience, trial and error will teach you. So if you feel like you could do more, add to your current plan as others have said, that way there’s no pressure and if you are doing too much, you can always stick with the low volume to improve your fitness.