While you say is absolutely true, it is also true that your case falls out of the scope of what I would see they want to release for a first version. They said they want a “works wells” for the majority/add more features as we keep going. Having the ability to upload runs (from outside or TM) would have probably more appeal to the 90% to the users here.
I do want to see run power eventually, but reality is that run power is a still a niche and most people do not have a run PM.
The run wo on calendar, I would say, is a the first thing to do after they allow the run uploads (similar to TP would be the goal IMO).
I dont think TR is looking to become a running training tool the way they are a bike trainer app. most people (we go with the 90% case) have a wearable to record runs. The 90% case would suggest it should works like “bike outdoor”, where you do your run outside or on a tm without using the your own wearable and follow the plans wo instructions (again, similar to a TP wo).
OK, we all know it is a bike training tool. So why have Triathlon training plans if you cannot upload in your calendar your run and swim workouts the TR plans created and that you complete?
I mean they are being logged in Garmin Connect. Cannot synch those run/swim workouts but can synch the bike rides? does not make sense to me.
Here’s maybe a simple-ish request as a stop-gap: Allow me to mark runs complete within the TR mobile app, rather than having to load to the web site. For some reason, that always freezes my phone for about 15s. Nothing else does it like that does. It just makes me skip ‘completing’ my runs.
Somehow I missed this update, so Im late to the party but this is my most important missing feature.
The ball ache is the manual work with the Calendar, so the delight comes from not needing to add anything manually;
Synch in run/swim data and mark workout complete
Im kind of assuming* youre not considering recording runs and swims in the TR app, if you are then Im not sure the value.
Obtain TSS as a function of the workout planned RPE and time/length of the workout…or accept the TSS from the synched data
rTSS and sTSS are totally flawed, the existing RPE paradigm TR uses works good enough
Distance and elevation change
Also flawed stats from a training point of view but everyone wants to know how far they ran/swam/biked this year/month/etc.
TTMYF (Things that make you faster )
Pace of specific intervals
Knowing the pace of the miles or kilometres doesnt help me, knowing youve hit or missed the pace (or other metric I suppose) of your intervals or the tempo part of your run is useful like knowing I hit a TR interval.
Time on feet/in pool
Volume is definitely a key factor in swim and run performance
Things that dont make you faster:
Average pace
Avg HR
Pace per arbitrary intervals (mile/km)
*If you are talking about recording with the TR app then thatll be for Apple Watch right?
As long as I can use my Garmin and they sync to the calendar instead of manually entering I would be happy. It does not take long to manually enter but sometimes I forget. Only reason I have kept TP free version honestly.
Man with Strava deciding to anger it’s base, personally I’m indifferent, TR could really capitalize by letting my wahoo send rides to TR and Garmin watch to send swim and runs right now.
This is honestly awesome news! Thanks for the transparency TR team.
My MVP is like most others commenting:
Mark a run as complete
Record distance/duration
Allow us to set the RPE and generate rTSS value as we do now
Automatically calculating rTSS is what I really want along with pushing (power) zone based structured workouts to my Garmin like we can with outdoor workouts now. I know run ‘power’ is a whole other conversation though…
Totally agree; thanks again for being open and responsive Nate!
Just to add to the chorus, for me, just having the runs automatically populated on the calendar, matched with planned entries and auto-populated with actual completed distance/time/pace from the file would be a major TICK! Everything else, such as charts, activity pages, rTSS and all that guff can wait.
This would be great for me too - as other have indicated, just treat it as a no-power meter bike ride, it would be a huge start. If there’s an activity in the calendar, match it; otherwise, just add it. TSS would be a nice-to-have, but not MVP content. That simple feature set would allow me to use TR as the container for my complete training program. No more Excel sheet for the running part…
Oh… something else that we might need on the first round.
A way to set up the Threshold paces and HR on the system. This will be needed for accurate TSS calculations
Thanks for the continued engagement with this feature request. Ideally you bring the key metrics over to duplicate the heart rate / pace over time / distance information you get with cycling workouts as well as the map for outdoor workouts. TSS etc.
Pull key metrics from Garmin/Strava into calendar
Moving Time, Elapsed Time
Pace (Average, Lap)
Average Heart Rate
Elevation gain
Max elevation
Workout type (treadmill, outdoor run, pool, outdoor swim)
Really looking forward to using TR in a more comprehensive way for multi sport!
This is great news. As most of the people have said already. Importing runs and swims in to the calendar is going to please most people with ‘standard’ metrics people have highlighted above.
Looking beyond that, I think one of the key features that TR has is accurate tracking of TSS. Personally I really struggle to do this, I race fairly high level running and triathlon, swim in a masters set up etc. I have noticed (particularly since lock down due to swimming taking a back seat) that I am able to fuel/recover more effectively because the guess work of how hard my swim sessions are is taken out of the equation
The metrics for measuring running and swimming stress are not as well defined as Cycling basically because we don’t have wide spread use of power meters
Running - relative Pace to calculate rTSS is probably about as good as its going to get (and will be quite accurate for a treadmill run/track session. Challenge comes when measuring this outside, like with cycling pace goes out the window when in terms of correlation to effort/stress when hills, mud and wind come into play - Think XC running, race only lasts 35 mins and the pace is SLOW but will totally destroy you. Not sure if combining the pace relative to threshold with HR, Cadence and vertical gain could provide some more useful metric.
Swimming - metrics are even more lousy here! Pace is a bit of a red herring especially when you get into open water or if you are doing strokes other than freestyle - e.g. my pace doing backstroke is SLOW but I am expending a huge amount of ‘wattage’ because backstroke isn’t particularly efficient. Or if you are doing a set that has a lot of kick etc. will dramatically influence the TSS
Measuring stress in swimming or running is a bit of a rabbit hole to say the least!
Tacking it on to this thread because it seems closest and not worth a new thread:
For those of us who don’t have power outdoors but who do have HR in and outdoors: would love if TR could view my time in various HR zones and attempt to estimate TSS that way. It’s honestly not really a huge deal either way, and I don’t mind manually just clicking the RPE number, but just a thought.
@Nate_Pearson@Brandon As someone who is primarily a cyclist, but sometimes likes to go for a run, a very handy feature would be the ability to do an automatic workout swap for a ride in my cycling training plan with an “equivalent” run workout.
For example, let’s say I have the standard 1 hour endurance ride scheduled on a Wednesday. If I want to instead go for a run, what should that run look like to get similar training benefit? I am sure that 1 hour of Z2 Power on the bike is not equivalent to 1 hour of Z2 HR running, so some @chad guided workout swaps would be great.
Would love to see support for stryd running power meter. Fits perfectly with TR philosophy of training with power as a superior metric. The new version is quite good as they seem to have the wind resistance algorithm figured out.
Any chance we can get super basic visibility in the beta version? While all these running features sound awesome, I’d really like to just get the basic mileage, HR and pace data so I can cancel TP and go 100% TR.