Use of AI for training response

Has TR looked at AI for those using a training plan to identify slow responders? Would seem ideal and could be used to suggest alternative strategies etc. could be a great tool for individualizing training plans or balance of frequncy intensity and duration


I don’t think that’s in the pipeline unfortunately but maybe you can bugger Nate too

Yep, there’s so much opportunity here. I’d love to see TR making more suggestions about what might work best for an individual based on all the data they’ve got, along with predicting where you’ll get to, if you do the work.

You’d imagine they can estimate improvements you might see over time at a range of weekly hours, so you could see where diminishing returns might start to set in.


Yes. Love the AI ftp prediction and adaptations. But would really love to understand whats the most impactful training for me based on my own training and responses. Was just reading some research on responses to training, predictors and hypothetical ways to address various responders. Hopefully some work or research that TR can be involved with based on its data resources

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Surely, even with the limited time they’ve offered polarized plans, they must have a pretty good sense from the data which plans work best for different riders, but I don’t see that guidance anywhere. Or, is is that if you use custom plan builder, that is their current best recommendation, and it just so happens it applies to everyone?

  • Quite the opposite in fact. It was mentioned on a podcast in the last month or so, that TR has not had enough people actually follow the TR POL plans well enough to gain the data they need to evaluate them.
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