Using Brakes to hit power targets on outside workouts?

Does anyone else do this? I have a disc brake road bike. What is the wear on the pads?

Are you referring to feathering the brakes to keep your speed down while you power through?

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No I am referring to if you on rolling terrain and you are starting to descend during a interval. You are holding just enough brake to keep you in the zone without going at an insane speed.

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You have invented the outdoor trainer!

What about this thing (AIRhub)?

To be fair, the pricing seems…ambitious :S


I have done in the past but it’s not great and kind of sad IMO, as GCN say taking riding a bit too seriously. I now I have just found some go to routes for various sessions where I don’t need to. If I get a tail wind and get to the ‘wrong’ piece of road early I just adjust the interval, but this rarely happens on a well selected route (on my Wahoo if a interval has started and I’m not on the right road I just hit the back button when I get there or forward if I get there early.)

Sometimes, if I’m approaching a stop sign or corner mid-interval I’ll do this to minimize the duration of the power drop


Riding one hill 5 times because of intervals already feels stupid to me, but I do that. Braking to get more resistance is a whole new level though. Better plan the route better to suit demands of the workout.

That’s where I got the idea

Not much I’d bet. And if they get too worn, replace them. In my experience, road bike pads tend to last a long time - certainly compared to MTB.

Nope, try and plan a route if you can to meet your goals.

I mean if it works for you thought, good on ya.

yeah do this too, also for same reason as @c-h-a-d
doubt it’ll be that bad for the pads and relatively easy to replace them.

LOL, I do this on my lunch ride, I try to hit 300 kj on it and if I’m at 298 rolling towards my house, I’ll hold the brakes so I can put out 2 more kjs!

Interesting concept … I just push more watts and go faster … even if that means going past the house and coming back.

Insane speed is what I have to support here! I am not going to work against my brakes!

It never gets easier it only goes faster!

There is always the air hub as @Bergfruehling mentioned ( If they brought down the price and/or made it capable of hitting a wattage target with a max/preset speed gate, I would think about it. But pretty pricey considering all the other shiny cycling things I must have in my life.

I saw that. It gave me the idea. Incidentally tanning Salons are banned in Australia