So, I’ve attempted to use plan builder 2x prior and it didn’t go as planned. For some reason, even though I deleted a previous plan, it seemed to put my workouts together and give me multiple workouts throughout the week, some on the same day (2 hard rides etc). I eventually got someone to fix it.
I decided to update my plan based on my planned race schedule (triathlons). I set my A races (May and Sept) and B race. I also attempted to utilize the function that allows you to drag and drop workouts. Well, that seems to be a bust again. Now I have no workouts on Saturdays, No workouts on Mondays, and back to back rides on Wednesday and Thursday.
I only have one plan, with 3 races on the calendar but it doesn’t seem to be working out. Anyone have advice for me? This should be simple enough where I should be able to delete runs from a proposed schedule (as I’m planning the workout calendar) or add them where I want, especially if it a drag and drop feature.
As to cleaning up, it is SUPER important to verify that you have a “clean” calendar after making edits and eventual removal of a prior plan. If not done in the right way, there can be artifact workouts that lead to overlap and confusion like what you describe.
No idea if that is the case here, but having TR look at your files from behind the scenes can be a great help.
I just put in for help. I’m just really annoyed with this part of the platform. Either I am missing something, or this part needs to be adjusted or explained better.
If we are building a plan (for triathlon specifically), why can’t there be a blank week (that starts on SUNDAY!) where we drag and drop the workouts we want rather than the amount of swims and runs put on the calendar that we may not want to do, or feel that we can do. Plus, the workout (forced/suggested) can’t be deleted.
I would like to see icons on top of the blank week and we drag the bike, running or swimming icon down to the day and then the TR platform focuses on our workout times and intensity.
Anyone else? I am a little bitter right now, maybe its the drugs and my kidney stone, but man…this just never seems to work for me, and it seems really clunky.
I have not been able to delete the suggested workouts while planning in the plan builder. They are listed within the week (4 bikes, 4 runs, 3 swims). The only thing I am able to do is drag and drop them from day to day.
I have put in for someone to help me, I am just waiting for a response.
You can delete or move the workouts in your calendar after plan builder did it’s work.
For the bike portion this shouldn’t have to much impact as adaptive training should give you matching workouts each time.
Problematic are the swim and run workouts cause there is no adaptive training for these (yet?).
Here is my calendar. Blank. Yet each time I go to build a plan, I spend 20 to 30 minutes shuffling around what I want, where I want, it won’t stick. I move on to review, then “Something went wrong” pops up. Now, when I go to career, it’s not even there to edit.
Short story: I’m back on track and good to go. Somehow the tri calendar has some kinks they’re working on. I guess somehow I “blew a fuse” and my stuff disappeared.
Long story: I was helped out and had each day set up for me the way I wanted and it seemed like a pretty easy process for whoever did it. I sadly forget his name (sorry man!) But he was awesome.
Great to hear! You will get a follow up survey on your support, and it might have the reps name. They love to read success stories like yours, so share anything (good or bad) about it when that comes, if you’d like.