Viewing all prior workouts in a list?

Is there a way to view all the prior workouts you’ve done…without having to scroll back through the calendar? If there’s not already a way to do this somewhere else, thinking this could be added as a filter (e.g. “Completed”) in the Workouts tab. Rationale for having this is sometimes I’d like to revisit particular workouts and add sets/tweak but can’t remember all the names of the workouts.

To see each time you’ve done a specific workout:

  1. Open any desired workout (on the web is easiest).

  2. Scroll to the bottom and you can see a “My Rides” tab if you have don’t the workout at least once.

  3. Open that tab, and you will see a full list of every time you have done that workout, sorted from most recent to oldest.

To see all your workouts in a list:

  1. Open you Career page on the web.

  2. Open the “Past Ride” subsection, which displays every workout you have done in a long list (10 loaded per view and button press at the bottom).

  3. It goes as from most recent to oldest, and covers every ride you’ve ever done.


Thanks for the reply, Chad. To clarify, I was only looking for past TR structured interval workouts…not looking to review past random Z2/recovery/long rides and whatnot. Also, I do most of my interval workouts outside and the first option you mention doesn’t seem to capture outdoor workouts. Thanks.

Does the filter at the the Past Ride screen cover your needs?

Allows for filtering of just TR workouts among the options.

You can use the Other option for finding your outside stuff.

May not be perfect, but should get you most of the way there.

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The TrainerRoad filter is definitely helpful for indoor workouts, but I do most of my workouts outside so the Other filter is pretty much the same as viewing All Rides. Appreciate the help though.

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I could see how an outside workout filter would help! Will pass this along to the team for consideration. Cheers.