Looking for some feedback/comments and analysis on my V02 and Lactate test results. I am 47 years of age, 61 kg. I have been riding for a few years. I have competed in a few 10-mile TT’s. I have a background in running and boxing
Looking to do more 10-mile TT’s
I have only recently (last 6 weeks) started to do zone 2 work
See my results thanks
VO2 max (absolute): 4.1 L/minute
VO2 max (relative to body mass)68 mL/kg/min
Heart Rate Max (HRmax):173 bpm
Maximum Stroke Volume 134 ml/beat
lactate Threshold 205 W (Heart rate 139 beats/min)
2rd Lactate Turning Point (estimated maximal lactate steady state):** 245 W (Heart rate 159 bpm) This pace is often referred to as race pace. For you, 245 W (and a heart rate 159 bpm) should be a power that you can maintain upwards of 30-60 min
Substrate Utilisation Data
You will observe in the table below that your maximum rate of fat utilization (Fatmax) during exercise is 205 W with a heart rate of 139 beat/min (*noted as being identical to LT). This intensity is impressive. The very good news is that even with an increase in exercise intensity to 225 W, the contribution is still relatively high (fat; 12 g/h) (see Table 2.). Your data is very much in keeping with what we would expect. As exercise intensity increases, the ability of your body to liberate and utilise fat as an energy source decreases. At the Fatmax intensity you are using a total 850 kcal/h with a total 190 kcal/h coming from fat sources. This is very positive. All that said, your maximum fat utilisation in grams per minute is a little lower than we might expect. It is typically 0.45 g/min in trained individuals at 65% of VO2max (measured at 0.33 g/h at 69% VO2max for you). I can explain this more should you need. So it appears there is room for improvement. This is an important intensity as it allows you to efficiently liberate fat stores to give your muscle the maximum amount of ATP (energy molecules). Thus what we want to do is improve this or more specifically, increase the energy contribution from fats at each intensity outlined in Table 2
139bpm ?!?!
that sounds SUPER low.
and the max HR of 173 sounds like 220-47 (it is). I would be extremely skeptical of anyone telling you thats your max HR.
could you describe where did you got this and what were the conditions?
You might have some room to grow max steady state / FTP / 2nd turning point. I only have estimates based on power data (primarily WKO5, but others too). My estimated absolute VO2max is around 4.1-4.3 L/min, depending on time of year/season. 2nd threshold is around 275W for 30-60 minutes, recently haven’t done anything longer than 35 minutes but that was not to exhaustion. My first threshold is very much an estimate, based on doing very long efforts, and right now I’m seeing around 195-205W at 138-141bpm. Bike HRmax is 175bpm. So all around similar numbers except for 30-60min power.
Several ways to raise your upper threshold / FTP, starting with longer intervals to target 40km / ~25mile TTs. FWIW I was in high school when you were born, so fighting age related declines and starting my eighth year of cycling.
At a high level, versus 3-5 hours/week, I’ve seen the most fitness improvements from increasing average volume to 7-8 hours/week largely irrespective of intensity:
In WKO I’m tracking more fitness metrics, that is a simple view.
I’m 47 yo too, 62kg on the scales yesterday morning. Garmin is placing me at VO2Max of 62 (Intervals.icu 56 at the moment), another formulae places me at 61 lol. My Max HR is 197bpm and my LHRT is 181bpm (at around 228w, bottom of Z4) and theoretical FTP is 253w in the TT position. So if my estimated 56-62 VO2 Max can get me 228w (at the bottom of Z4) in the TT position I suspect your higher (and actually measured VO2max) will get you more in the future @EP_111
Well actually this looks to be good results, I’m glad for this one, I’d also like to do some tests but a bit more waiting with this one.
But I want to know how long it took you and how much it cost?
Besides that I understand it won’t take long, but I have another problem, I’m in literature college and we are not allowed not to do homework, so I wanted to ask if there are any good sources like https://studymoose.com/literature/all-my-sons-book that would help me with my homework, I mean I would totally do it for me. If you know of any good and relatively inexpensive sources I’d be happy to use them. Because this is just about references and in general, it’s kind of an information source and even books like All My Sons and other popular books.
Check with nearby universities. I live near the University of Texas (Austin) and their Sports Science department does v02max testing for $85 and will do the lactate blood levels at same time for another $40.
I did one when I was sort of fit and another when I was really fit about a year apart. It’s interesting to see what stays pretty flat (vo2max) and what moves with fitness. With decent fitness, my o2 consumption was running around 74% of max at LT2. At peak fitness, I was consuming 87% of max vo2 at LT2. It’s kind of an interesting illustration of the floor/ceiling dynamic where I probably don’t have much more room to push FTP up for test 2 without pushing up v02max. While the testing did help confirm where my appropriate training zones were, it was mostly just an exercise in curiosity for me. After focusing a lot on volume and endurance racing the last couple years, I’ve been itching to get tested again to see how that might have changed my physiology. Maybe this spring. The test really sucks though, tough to pay to do that to myself. It’s kind of like doing a ramp test, but with a claustrophobic mask on.