Wahoo Element Synchronizing with TR

Is anyone having an issue syncing outside workouts from their Wahoo Element into TR? it worked before but didn’t pick up my Sunday race. I checked the Wahoo app and deleted both my TR and TP accounts and reloaded. Sill no avail. I check the sync in the Upload Workout menu and it worked with Strava and Ride with GPS but not TP (We’ve encountered an error). The TR label didn’t show on the screen and it’s not a choice in the Share File to…menu. Saturday’s workout sync’d. My Wahoo data syncs but not the Element. is anyone else having this issue? Thanks

We have had a few reports on this and the team is currently trying to isolate what’s causing it and see what’s going on. Sorry for the trouble!

Update on this topic:

I’ll keep providing updates here if any new information becomes available. Sorry for the trouble!

Thank you. I submitted a ticket to wahoo support as recommended

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