Wahoo Kickr 18 fix parts

Hey everyone, back to trainer season and unfortunately my Kickr has gotten the dreaded flywheel knocking, which historically was solved by the keyway fix. Unfortunately, Wahoo doesn’t have any more of the little kits with the keyway and new bolt, but thought I’d ask the community if someone had an unused kit they’d be willing to send?

Happy training.

If you’re UK based you could ask this guy if he has any kits left.

Wahoo Kickr 18 Repair - Unsponsored

If not, or he doesn’t, there’s enough info in that thread to be able to purchase the bits you need to fix the problem.


Has anyone tried to repair their Wahoo Kickr? If so, how difficult was it? Is it doable with average mechanical skills?

I have a 2018 and it started knocking/clicking a couple weeks ago. It has progressively gotten worse to the point I can’t ride it because the noise level is now very high. The ERG mode and functionality are working.

I plan to reach out to Wahoo once I get home from work and can pull the serial number off the unit. But the unit is out of warranty and I’d prefer not to sink money into another trainer right now.