Some have raised the issue that training is best in a standard format vs Erg format ro simulate ‘real’ world situations, any thoughts on this?
for me focusing on the workout and letting the system manage changing resistance works best.
I mix and match. I like to remind myself of what it’s like to have to focus on holding/watching power on the road by using standard mode from time to time (maybe the last interval of a set of sub-threshold intervals, or even an endurance ride). Many TR riders prefer to use standard mode for VO2max and anaerobic intervals, and erg mode for sub-threshold efforts.
Not sure what you mean by “real” world situations, but metabolically there is absolutely NO DIFFERENCE between erg mode and standard mode.
Plenty of discussion already here.
Assuming ‘real’ world situations as being gear and cadence shifts…thanks for the feedback.
Totally agree, and I personally try to stay on top of that stuff even when most of my riding is indoors. But let’s face it, how much are you going to change gears during Pettit? Might as well take advantage of erg mode. But definitely want to continue to reinforce that motor memory of hitting gears and cadence changes when needed though.
Yeah, good point…have only used Erg mode and yet to trial resistance and standard…just finished a base session and looking forward to developing the most fitness one can before spring sets in. Thanks!
If you’re new to the program, I’d recommend you just use ERG for everything until you’re very familiar with yourself, the workouts, etc.
Erg mode inside, standard mode outside.
User preference really. Training indoors is nothing like being outside. I’ve got a Kickr, my opinion is the only things worth focusing on indoors are:
- cadence
- smooth pedal stroke and modulating power when jumping from rest to work interval
- doing intervals that simulate the target event
By preference I train in the big chainring and have no problem going outside and nailing really long climbs. Those results are because I put in a lot of sweet spot time on trainer, working on longer and longer intervals, and not because I tried to simulate low inertia on the Kickr (using low gearing). First things first.