Wahoo Kickr Level mode?

Curious if there is a way to use level mode instead of Erg OR resistance?

It’s really difficult to crank up the resistance with a mouse in one hand while trying to sprint…and erg mode really isn’t suitable for full gas explosive sprints.


Just choose lvl mode?

In pc you can toggle with keyboard shortcut (T) and use lef/right arrows to change the lvl. I use only lvl mode for all my rides so it works, at least with smart trainers (kickr core in my case). Do not know about kickr bike as you not specified what kickr you use.

“Standard” mode is what it is called in the TR app. You must be connected to the Kickr via BLE Bluetooth to get that option in the app. It is not available when using ANT+.

Once Standard is et, you can then use the 1 thru 9 settings to alter the power curve in that mode.

I’m on a Kickr Trainer. Yep, I am aware of lvl mode…the challenge is I don’t see it available to me.

I vaguely recall someone in the past mentioning a Kickr firmware upgrade that caused TR to stop supporting standard/level mode? The Bluetooth FTMS firmware upgrade IIRC.

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It’s probably best to email support@trainerroad.com at this point.

You are right, forgotten about that topic:


AFAIK Wahoo added FTMS but didn’t remove Bluetooth Smart Wahoo Trainer Control. A list of modes for Kickr V5 are in the DCRainmaker review Wahoo KICKR V5 (2020) Smart Trainer In-Depth Review | DC Rainmaker

Over here:


TR support stated the app prioritizes FTMS over Wahoo proprietary. The workaround is to downgrade firmware or use another app (e.g. Wahoo) to put the trainer in standard/level mode.

Thanks for all the info… It looks like I am able to access lvl mode on Android. So for now… that seems like the best solution.


In case anybody is still interested, I recently paired my Kickr V5 to TR via my new Dircon unit, and level mode came back! This was an unexpected benefit, I mostly got the Dircon for Zwifting.

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