Wahoo Kickr Run Treadmill


Did anyone guess treadmill?


Not that I saw.


I haven’t had a chance to watch the videos, but is Zwift controlling the treadmill (either pace or incline or both)? If so, I’m hoping this means Zwift control is coming to other Bluetooth FTMS-equipped treadmills like the MyRun.

There is a written post as well: Wahoo KICKR RUN Treadmill: First Run Thoughts! | DC Rainmaker


so when are the structure running workout at trainerroad? :wink:


Wahoo Kickr Rn*


Thanks, had planned to get that added to the OP once I got to my PC (as I just did :wink: )

  • Zwift will alter incline (Manual & Free Run, but not sure on workouts) as well as pace when doing a structured workout only.

Just finished watching the video, it supports Bluetooth FTMS but from what I understand, Zwift is using Wahoo’s API to control the treadmill:

If Zwift is open to using Wahoo’s proprietary API, it gives me a little bit of hope that they’d be willing to use the much more common Bluetooth FTMS to control other treadmills, even if it means the pace isn’t as precise (I’d settle just for incline control, to be quite honest.)

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Plus, it leans left to right (or at least they say it will when they get it working)


Good point, that is an interesting feature. I would guess will help with basic fatigue from the variability, but could be course and app dependent.

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Boooooooooooooo! Super disappointed. Running is only to be done when being chased. So a treadmill?


This KICKR RUN will cost $5,000USD

I’ll wait until it hits closeout in a year or two. :crazy_face:


If I had the room and the money and was running more than 4-8 miles a week, I’d absolutely buy it :grinning:

I wouldn’t have predicted it but it’s pretty cool


Neat, been looking for a way to duplicate the hip pain I get from the 1/0th mile track at the gym at home.


I had the exact same reaction when i saw it…

In my mind:
Well a kickr bike is a few ks and this is WAY more complicated and heavy…
I though 4k… turns out i was WAY off…

I still want it. This is the TM most of us have been waiting for.

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THIS is the new leaner smarter Wahoo? Ouch, that’s disappointing.

I could see these being the go-to treadmill for gyms… might not be a bad strategy if they move that way.


If I were in the market for a treadmill, I would not even consider anything else. I’m no expert, but DC’s review makes me feel like this is a TR finally “made right”. 5K for a TR sounds crazy for many of us here, myself included, but let’s imagine they (I don’t know… lizard people they) take away from me my trainer setup (which for historical reasons consists of an old road bike and kickr smart). Will I pay 5K for a Kickr Bike then? With no hesitation. My equipment works hard and is worth every penny. I mean… my living room TV is like $500, and I think even that is too much given how much “value” it actually provides compared to all my bikes.