Was wondering if anyone is using this site/app and had any tips or info to share?
Just signed up this morning and it seems pretty cool. Already want to try to get my county to 100%
Was wondering if anyone is using this site/app and had any tips or info to share?
Just signed up this morning and it seems pretty cool. Already want to try to get my county to 100%
Can you give some more background info, for those of us with no idea what you are talking about?
I guess that’s why I posted about it, there’s not much info out there that I could find.
Basically from what I gather it looks at your Strava heat map and gives you points for unique or new miles (roads), breaks down the percentage of completion for earth/country/state/city/county etc. Kinda gamifies riding every road.
Signing up now just out of curiosity! So I’ll see if I get anything out of it and if it helps me to check out new routes/areas.
It’s one of my 2020 no race challenge. Since I can’t race I’m using the gravel bike more and going where I’ve not been. Plus every side road in my city.
Just signed up. Looks very cool, and is similar to the Explorer Tiles I like to look at in VeloViewer.
It hasn’t pulled my data yet, but I’ll be curious to see what it looks like.
lol. I won’t be able to evaluate it since it pulls only your past 50 rides for free. My past 50 rides are all inside, so not much wandrering.
It only pulls outside rides.
I think we may have killed the site. I’m getting a server error whenever I try to log in now.
My brain “wanders” how you did your last 50 rides indoors, impressive
134 of 144 rides inside this year. This pandemic.
I use wandrer.earth and I love it! I think I signed up when they were still processing all historical rides, so my map is pretty accurate. The best part about it is that it encourages you to go see new things. The worst part about it is that I spend so much more time route planning than I used to…
Hey! That’s my neck of the woods! I only just moved to AA in August so I have a ways to go before my map looks like that.
Awesome! I’ve been here for over 10 years now. I’m happy to share some recommendations if you are looking for good routes in the area, road or gravel. I don’t ride mountain bikes (just because I don’t have one), but there are also some great trails around if that’s your thing.
Here’s my map:
Mainly road and MTB (been using my MTB for gravel riding). I’ve been doing longer road rides recently so hopefully I can fill in some of these roads. But I’m going to have to get a gravel bike soon since like 80% of roads around here are dirt/gravel.
Good call on the gravel bike. I got my gravel bike in October 2018 and my new roads skyrocketed.
I’ll send you some route recommendations in a private message.
Has anyone found a list of the achievements? Maybe it’s the antithesis of what the site is going for but wouldn’t mind hunting any in my neck of the woods.