How are people\users overcoming this issue with short sharp intervals where you would traditionally drop out of erg mode to undertake this?
Is this a Trainerroad issue or a wattbike firmware issue? I note in other platforms you can drop in &out of erg mode so my presumption is its a TR issue? (Happy to be corrected on this).
Did I also imagine it or did someone say in the podcast they have a Atom being sent over to use as a test machine?
Based on my latest records, “Wattbike has not implemented resistance mode for the Atom, and has not decided if they will do so yet.”
That being said, they make have released a firmware update that we are unaware of, which could allow for this increased functionality with Wattbike. May I ask what platforms allow you drop in/out of ERG/Resistance mode?
When I say resistance mode I mean using the gears to adjust resistance. The Atom can run in 11 or 22 gear mode.
Zwift will let you turn erg on / off mid ride or interval
The wattbike app will let you turn erg mode on or off - this is done by a top of shifter button and would be great if TR could get this to work.
For example doing over/unders or short intervals, one click will take me to erg and then the next click drops me back into the gear I was last using… it’s a neat little intuitive function.
When using the wattbike hub the gear shifters will also increase or decrease watt output by 5 in erg mode, so 1 click will take you from 220 to 225 or 215 dependent upon which shifter you hit for on the fly micro changes.
Sorry for the delayed response here. I chatted with our App Product Developer Pete Morris and he has created an issue for this .
At the moment, we’re in the throes of a total app redesign, so this is not currently a high priority issue, but as we complete our current projects, resources will free up and we will be able to work on device layer improvements like this.